To understand the massive national defeat delivered to the - TopicsExpress


To understand the massive national defeat delivered to the Democratic Party in this election, just look at the areas where the Democrats are in total power. Start with New York, Chicago and California. And there it is. Andrew Cuomo, Rahm Emanuel, Arne Duncan, Hillary Clinton, Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi: they arent fair-weather friends. They are the enemy of working people. The 2008 mandate, where the Dems controlled Congress and the White House, delivered a big flaming pile of nothing good. If Obama had fought for single-payer, the Dems would run the congress for a generation. If Obama and Clinton had ended the wars, the Dems would run the congress for a generation. If Obama and Clinton had turned off the NSA, the Dems would run the congress for a generation. If Obama and Rahm Emanuel had delivered quality public education instead of charterization, the Dems would run the congress for a generation. If Obama and Clinton had delivered the promised card check allowing unionization in workplaces, the Dems would run the congress for a generation. If Obama had delivered a single step towards dealing with carbon emissions, say funding mass public transportation and putting Michigan and Ohio back to work building the engines... the Dems would run the congress for a generation. Instead, they delivered permanent war, a surveillance state for the ages and the bailout of Wall Street to the detriment of Main Street. And so, the Democrats having WON elections with a mandate, delivering nothing but insults to their core constituencies, ensured that the hope and change they spoke of were turned to saccharine. If you cant afford to live in NYC or SF, its because you arent a liberal. Because if you cant pay $2000/month for a one-bedroom apartment, you aint shit, you aint relevant to the Democrats and if you dont thank them for dumping on your head, you are a purist and so on. Wisconsin attack dog Scott Walker? Yeah, hes the enemy. But Andrew Cuomo is the one waging war on the unions in NYC... AND THE UNIONS PAID HIM TO DO IT. -Jed Brandt, Kasama Project. Yeah, that pretty much sums up these mid term elections. (Barry)
Posted on: Thu, 06 Nov 2014 01:49:32 +0000

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