To understand this, you will want to read John 5:1-9. I am - TopicsExpress


To understand this, you will want to read John 5:1-9. I am forced to look at myself through the eyes of weakness; much like this man. Though I am not sick, diseased or crippled, I am sick, diseased or crippled in life; until, that is, I become aware of the possibility of spiritual sickness, disease or crippled soul. I do not like to view myself through these ways; however, if I do not, it may be my own trace of sickness, disease or crippled soul which prevents me from the possibility of healing. There is only one thing in the world which may help me. I understand that the only way to personal healing is to take this initial view of myself. It is the open door through which we all have to allow. I can find no sufficient remedy, to the possibility of the sick soul in this world, except for one thing. It seems that even the things God places before me are insufficient for any help. There is one thing God places in the world which will completely heal and help me; as well as anyone. There is only one thing. The crippled, diseased and impotent man had some resources for his help and healing, but they didn’t help or heal him. He, too, had one possible thing in the world which would be sufficient for his complete healing. But, it would force him to look at himself and the one thing God has put before him. First the other people at the pool. God put them there. They were sick and diseased too. They were there with the crippled man for the possibility of help and healing. However, they were more interested in helping themselves rather than in helping this man who was sick for 38 years. So, people were not sufficient; people whom God places in the world, but people who would not help. But, there is only one thing which could help the man. Was it the angel of God? The angel would come down once in a while and stir the waters of the pool and bring healing to the one who could be first at getting into the water. However, the angel was insufficient, because of the lack of cooperation from the other sick folks who were more interested in themselves, rather than to help this man. The man was just not fast enough to move because of his impotence; sick and diseased body. Therefore, ironically, the angel was not sufficient for the man. But, there is only one thing which could help and heal the man. It’s a slight chance that this one thing could help and heal him. The man must look closely at this one thing, and he must look closely at himself. This one thing is One Person whom God has placed in the world before him; and before me too; as well as you. This is Jesus; the only sufficient One Person whom God has placed in the world for me; as well as for you. There was just a slight chance Jesus could help the man because the man had the question put to him “Do you want to get well”? First, the cripple had to look at his deplorable condition of body, other people and the angel; realizing that there was only One other significant Other who, alone, was able to help and heal. But, now, he had to stop blaming other things around him and look at the One significant Other ‘Jesus Christ’. Now, he had dilemma. Could he look at Jesus? If he could, he might experience the healing and help which he needed to be functional in the world. If not, he would continue to rely upon society and chances for help. The man had to want to get well. He had to want to hear Jesus. He had to take the initiative and stand as Jesus commanded. And, the man did! And, Jesus healed the man. In the times, when I need help, I must be willing to see myself for the shape I am in; which may be a sick and wrong spirit. I must admit any transgression against the Lord; which usually demands that I make it as right as I can with others. I must see Jesus come through the gate especially for me. I must hear His command to stand, and I must simply do it. We must experience Christ deliverance. Things of the past may stick around through consequences, however, when Jesus meets the times of our past, the present person of who we are, He does heal. Gerald
Posted on: Sat, 25 Jan 2014 06:26:59 +0000

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