To use some Southern slang, You gotta love this! Former - TopicsExpress


To use some Southern slang, You gotta love this! Former Governor Mike Huckabee got this one right! Last Friday, NASCAR changed its rules to prevent tragedies like that in a recent New York Sprint Cup race, where Kevin Ward Jr. was killed by Tony Stewart’s oncoming car. Personally, I thought it was unseemly to comment on a tragedy while the investigation is still ongoing. But that didn’t stop ESPN’s Colin Cowherd from making one of the most idiotic accusations this side of blaming George Bush for 9/11. Cowherd tried to chalk up Ward’s death to NASCAR’s aggressive, “eye for an eye” “Southern Culture.” Really? Ward was a New Yorker, and Stewart is from Indiana. As a proud Southerner, I take offense at blaming the South for a testosterone-fueled feud between two Yankee drivers in New York. Cowherd revealed his ignorance of Southern culture by describing an eye-for-an-eye as Southern. Remember “The Untouchables,” where Sean Connery described escalating tit-for-tat violence as “the Chicago way”? Gee, I never knew Chicago was in Alabama. If you have a flat tire on a country road in Mississippi, you won’t be there long before someone in a pickup truck stops to help you change it. People in Arkansas still pull over to the side of the road so a funeral procession can go by; a fellow who kills a deer in Georgia will probably give you some of the meat for your family; catching a mess -- yes, we call it a mess -- of fish means the neighbors will get some too; total strangers in Tennessee will say hello, and when people say they will pray for you in South Carolina, they really will. I don’t know where the goon from ESPN is from, but it ain’t from the South. If he wants to make a complete fool of himself, he should come see us in the South and try to show us how to cook grits, make redeye gravy, run a trotline in Louisiana, set a hook on a largemouth bass, field dress a deer, or clean a Weatherby 300 mag rifle. He can explain to us the difference between King James version and the NIV, sing Amazing Grace in 4 octaves, and play fiddle in a country band. He can give us his recipe for a barbecue rub, coach Little League football, tree a coon with a hound dog, and show us how he calls ducks. If he can’t do that, he ought to stick with what he knows -- which clearly isn’t Southern culture -- and shut his pie hole. Bless his heart!
Posted on: Tue, 02 Sep 2014 15:05:53 +0000

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