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To view this email as a web page, go here. Available Now: Amazon | iBooks | B&N | Indie | BAM! | The Audiobook, Read By Rush Live Now for Rush 24/7 Members: Todays Rushs Stack of Stuff - Posted Every Morning Before the Show The sad little fact is that while Obama thinks hes making the world better by downsizing the US, while Obama thinks hes making everything more equal and more fair and punishing this unjust country, what hes doing is allowing the whole world to descend with us. -Rush Join Dick & Liz Cheney: The Alliance for a Strong America Free Transcripts, and Audio for Rush 24/7 Members: Vice President Cheney and Liz Cheney on the Dangers Facing America Obama Regime Planned the Influx of Illegal Alien Children at the Border Dr. Krauthammer Agrees With Us: Obama Greases the Skids of American Decline Coming Soon: El Rushbo Revere En Español! Were into Obamas sixth year, and the guy, all he does is stand up every day and complain about things happening in the country, as though hes not got any power to do anything about any of it. Its striking. -Rush You remember back on January 16, 2009, when I said, I hope he fails. It is my contention everybody knew what I meant then and chose to mischaracterize it and distort it into saying I wanted America to fail. It was the exact opposite. I wanted America to succeed and prosper. I wanted Obama to fail at exactly what hes doing. -Rush More Transcripts and Audio That Will Reflect the Contents of Todays Program: Obamas Purposeful Mess in Iraq Koskinen Typifies the Arrogance of the Regime Tomorrows Morning Update Today: Enough Is Enough (for Rush 24/7 members) The Wall Street Journal has an in-depth economic survey: Social Media Failed to Live up to Early Marketing Hype. Dont misunderstand me. If you like it and you enjoy it and it completes you, fine. I am not criticizing it. I just keep everything in perspective. -Rush Rushs Quick Hits: Despite the Hashtag, More Nigerian Kidnappings... Social Media Fails to Live Up to Marketing Hype... Manmade Aerosol Emissions Have Cooled the Planet... Homeland Security Director: How We Treat Children at the Border Reflects Our Values... Nixon only dreamed about doing what Lois Lerner has done. Nixon only dreamed of using the IRS to damage his political opponents. He never did it, but they wanted to convict him of a thought crime nevertheless. -Rush LINKS RushLimbaugh Dittocam Video & Audio Todays Show Podcasts CONNECT Facebook Twitter Contact Send a friend this link to sign up for the Rush in a Hurry Show Notes Unsubscribe | Edit Subscription | Terms & Conditions | Privacy Policy RUSH LIMBAUGH © 2014 PO BOX 7298, Van Nuys, CA 91409-7298 US
Posted on: Tue, 24 Jun 2014 19:48:22 +0000

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