To warriors and peoples of all indigenous nations; its time to - TopicsExpress


To warriors and peoples of all indigenous nations; its time to acknowledge the duality of life that exists around us. As products of the earth, we must discern the differences between the truth and the reality. Truth is something that cannot be denied, its the actual fact of matter. Its the bare fundamentals, the building blocks of life that exist among us, fundamentals that were no different in the times of our ancestors. In essence, truth is the manifestation of a greater energy that governs the laws of existence to achieve the continuance of life. Reality is perceived truth. Its the way existence is presented to any particular individual. Realities change trough generational separation, our reality is much different than that of our ancestors. Reality is a construct within existence meant to support the truth, it can be said that reality is an extension of the truth. Today we realize that our reality is drifting rapidly from the truth. Modern generations have witnessed our reality spiral out of control to the point where it no longer supports the continuance of life, the essence of truth. Our reality has become nothing but a race for material possessions in a heavily controlled monetary monopoly. Land, water, and spirituality have been manipulated to support a reality that has been devastating the earth for generations. Our reality is work, not for ourselves but for someone else. We see success in terms of monetary value, in what we own rather than how were supporting the earth, our communities, or future generations. Some may call our reality progress, but we must remember that progress is linear, a line is infinite and we dont live in a world where resources are infinite. We can keep walking the same line until we use up all of our resources, there is no going back down the same line, the result is extinction. Life is cyclical, it regenerates itself without the help of man, so we must learn to reuse and recycle, we must learn to live with the earth not on the earth, just the way nature does. Its simple mathematics, cyclical manifestations can be eternal. Our reality puts us up against our own brothers and sister creating boarders to alienate ideas of resistance, ideas that are for the betterment of the earth. This reality keeps us glued to social media, television, and mindless entertainment. They lie to us about nutrition, history, and science simply to keep us in the dark. The unaware soul is a lost soul, being in the dark keeps your mind numb, with numb minds manipulation is easy. Our reality is chaos, bloodshed, murder, and social injustice. They try and keep our numbers down and uneducated, because they know that within us lies the truth. We have numbers, lets educate them, education is a powerful tool to dismantle injustice and malpractice. Theyve massacred our ancestors for fighting against this reality. Our reality is a lie, a lie thats gasping for air trying to keep control in a world where truth is coming back with vengeance. Our reality will implode, Its a reality that cant support itself, its a false reality built on aversive and the exploitation of living energies. Your energy is everything, what you produce in life will follow you until death, it will dissolve into the earth and regenerate in a different manifestation which will resonate throughout eternity. Create good energies, let them manifest positively. Hence forth, I ask all warriors of red and brown nations to dissect their own life styles, to root out the reality and bring to life the truth. The truth is that we are all children of the earth, and truth lies within each of us. Its been passed down through the energies of our ancestor, truth and the regeneration of the earth is in our blood. No reality, no matter how convincing can take it away from our genetic makeup. Only once we break down the barriers between truth and reality will there be true freedom for us and for generations to come. In the end, realities are temporary, while the truth is permanent. Who will you be? Will you embrace and succumb to your reality or will you fight for the truth?
Posted on: Fri, 28 Mar 2014 18:31:23 +0000

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