To whom It may concern: I wish people will protest for me!!!!! - TopicsExpress


To whom It may concern: I wish people will protest for me!!!!! help!! Hi, my name is Andy Chung. I am originally from Hong Kong. I live in Salem Oregon currently . I am in a big trouble and it also related to everybody around me that I wish could get some help. I had a problem with the radio station business owned by Paul Allen for harassing, slander, defamation of character, insulted me publicly, invaded my privacy as using powerful spy equipment, giving intimate details about my private life like on the radio show. I would appreciate it if anyone could give me some protection and suggestion to solve this problem about the radio station harassment and spying on me. I have more than 8.5 billion dollar lawsuit to against Paul Allen and all the people around me should compensated 10 million dollar or more for each person. Human privacy is important! Summary All this started from 1999 to 2000. I emailed and called the Portland radio station ex- 95.5FM and Z100.3FM, The Midnight Dedication Show. The Midnight Dedication Show is for audience members to call or email the DJ so they may send a message to someone over the air. When I was living in Seattle, I called and emailed the Portland radio station almost every night for five months. I was trying to send a message that I was looking for a girl named Jenny. I told them that she used to work at the Clark college security office during the year of 1998. I explained my incident and that I didn’t mean to scare her off since the last time I talked to her. More than anything my hoped was to marry her. Not right then, but in the future. I also mention where I used to work at in Seattle, because I wanted her to know where she could find me. After a while, the radio station really did find her over the air. Jenny, her parents and her friend Melissa came to my work. They met me approximately 10 times during 2001-2003. Somehow I lost contact with them, because I had a problem with the radio station business and I went to the jail in the year of 2004. However, that’s was how I met the radio station ex-95.5 Fm DJs from the Dedication Show. The radio station DJs thought that my story was very interesting. So the DJs suggested to me to sell them the movie rights of how I was looking for Jenny on the air and possibly having Jenny and I become actors. However, I was not interested in this and declined the idea because I felt like people that are famous never have any privacy on the TV or in public. So I told them that I’m a very private person and care greatly about my privacy and my reputation, and I was not interested in the possibility of becoming famous. I went on and told them that that’s not the kind of attention I would want. In retaliation however, the radio station started talking about me on the air and referencing me to the public everyday by my Chinese name CHIHA. The radio DJ wanted my story to be famous as an excuse to harassing, slander, defamation of character, insulted me publicly, invaded my privacy, giving intimate details about my private life. They also were broadcasting on air where and what I was doing at my family’s house and my apartment and who do I talked to. They even know everything about me when I was lived in Hong Kong in the past. The radio station DJs disclosed that their owner is Paul Allen, they have all kinds of spy technology, satellites that can film, listen and see the whole world indoor and outdoor and all kind of people to stalked me (Paul Allen is one of the richest men in the world. He was a Microsoft president, he has 40-50 billion dollars with more than 100 businesses worldwide. He also is one of the biggest U.S technology supporters including U.S government top-secret technology. ) The station would described how I looked , as well as describing how I like to dress like a skater or snowboarder and that I was Asian from Vancouver Washington. In Vancouver Washington where I was living, there are very few Asian people. This made it very easy for people to identify me. Vancouver listeners started to notice me. Pretty soon people started harassing me and making fun of me in public. I felt that I was being bullied. It became difficult for me to go to school or even go out to night clubs. After all of this started happening, I began to file complaints to the radio station. I did this thru emails and phone calls, but they refused to leave me alone. So I stopped by the radio station to demand the DJS to stop the harassment, otherwise I will file a lawsuit against them. The radio station DJ told me that they’re not scared of getting sued, because their owner is Paul Allen. During the next eight years, in attempt to protect myself and my rights, I contacted the police more than 10 times, but they didn’t believe me. They even yelled at me and never help to investigate my case to contact Jenny, her parents as the main witnesses to the radio station for harassing me. I also contacted the FCC, white house and a couple of Oregon judges about the radio station’s harassment. But all they told me was to contact a civil lawyer. I contacted all the lawyers that I could find in the phone book, but none of them would take my case in the last 9 years. I contact the local Oregon, Vancouver Wa, Salem news company and TV channels 2, 6, 8, 12, but they would not break out the news about my situation about the radio station harassment, I also contact the white house and president but they never gave me any respond. It Maybe Paul Allen is the technology supporter and he has business related to the U.S government. but With no legal help, I created a web site to the public in the year of 2002, as an evidence to warn the radio station that I would sue them for 3 million dollars for each day broadcasted things about me that are private, as well as stalking me and spying on me. The Midnight Dedication show caused me mental distress and I feel the important people around me were put in danger should also be that compensated 10 million dollar for each them. I feel this way because the radio station DJs mention that I was being traced and spied on, which means that anyone around me could be a victim. The total was more than 8.5 billion dollars, but the radio station still would not leave me alone and I still had no legal help. Every day that they continued to do this to me progressed my mental state that I got because of them. In the end of year 2003, I was charged for bomb threat to one of the radio stations in Seattle, I made a mistake because I thought the radio station was owned by the same owner Paul Allen. I was in king county jail and hospital in Tacoma for treatment. I was being incarceration because the radio station manager denied that they ever talked about me on air and I don’t know me at all. As soon as I got released in the year of 2005, I worked and went back to school to study for my career. Everything was great and back to my normal life until year of 2007. I met one of the radio station part time DJ at a night club in Portland down town accidentally, The DJs said that they believe that I have a talent and want me to have a record and become famous. I feel that that was as an excuse to start yet again harassing, slander, defamation of character, insulted me publicly, invaded my privacy, giving intimate details about my private life on the radio show. They were doing the same thing on air again liked the years of 1999 to 2003. This had caused me a lot of mental distressed and insanity. In March-2008, I crashed my car into the radio stations front door to get public attention and help. I wasn’t trying to harm anyone, I was simply desperate and tried to protect my privacy as well as the people around me. I never got any help from police or from anyone else for that matter and I was desperate to stop the wealthy and powerful radio station harassing me. On the news media didn’t tell the whole truth about me crashed the car into the radio station. (However, Jenny, her parents and her friends Melissa and Walter husky are the key witnesses about the radio station and Paul Allen harassment and spying. They also know a lot of people as an audience in town can testify.) In July of 2009, after spending 17 months in jail, I was sentenced to ten years under the PSRB (Psychiatric Security Review Board.) I didn’t know then that I could have gone to prison for 7 more months instead. My public defender lied to me and told me that I would be release in few months if I went to Oregon State Hospital. I was incarcerated at the Oregon State Hospital for two years and I live at the group home with restrictions currently. I have a video on my computer that I could prove somewhat the radio station owner Paul Allen and Bill gates known who I am. In the end of 2007, I e-mailed to Paul Allen’s business that I demanded him to donated 8 billion dollars. I felt he owed me that, from the lawsuit to the world foundations for foster child and water supply that some countries need. I told him if didn’t pay me I wanted him to change Microsoft campus sign to ABCDE. I told him if he wasn’t compliant to at least one of my demands that I would be spray paint the sign to spy. I got to Redmond Washington Microsoft campus three days later. When I got there, I saw that they really did change the sign to ABCDE for me to spray on it. At this point I could prove Paul Allen and Bill Gates known who I am… Conclusion The radio business owner Paul Allen is a U.S technology supporter using the powerful spy technology on me and people around me to invade my privacy. As well as talking about me on the air for many years. It tells me that I will be spied on for rest of my life and this is including people around me everywhere I go. Paul Allen is not using technology as a satellite to find missing child, against criminal activity and terrorist. But he would use it to destroy my privacy and people around me. The radio station DJs, manager and Paul Allen should facing serious criminal charges for all these years of harassments. I believe the best way to solve this problem is to Protest against Paul Allen’s as well as his entertainment business. I tried contacting the white house but got no response. I am sure many people will like to join me. Then I will publish the new book that explains in detail, what Paul Allen did to me and the people around, this way people will know what he is capable of. Can anyone give me a better idea to solve this problem? Does any committee organization that I can join? Is there any protest organization that I can contact? I positive that may feel the same and would join me in this, especially all the people should be compensate 10 million dollar or more, because I am being spied on, it means all the people around me are being spied on. My hope is to break out the news, so people know how bad is inside the entertainment business and Paul Allen related business, including the government. All the radio DJS, managers and Paul Allen should face serious harassment charges, bully, spying and more… I would like to donate more than 8 billion dollar to the whole world foundations, if I could collect the money from this lawsuit. The people around me should get pay 10 million dollars or more from Paul Allen, including all the protestors. Their harassment is against all the people around me, religious and human privacy. ( Again, Jenny and her parents are the key witnesses. They also know a lot of people could testify)
Posted on: Mon, 02 Dec 2013 06:21:39 +0000

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