To whom maY iT coNcerN..itS tiMe to teL truTh..sHe haS beEn tHe - TopicsExpress


To whom maY iT coNcerN..itS tiMe to teL truTh..sHe haS beEn tHe besT gUrL i eVer Had..besT in the woRld to saY..shE haS beeN caRinG..LikE a SecOnd MoM to mE...daY n NiTe stAy uP so LaTe juSt tO tC mE weN im Down..itS mY The fauLt guY heRe..iM waS chiLdisH..pLayFuL..iGnoreD her fOR mY frenZzz..shE adviSed chanGe buT i took heR woRdS foR granTed...n The resuLt...we haD uNparaLLed arGumEnTs,fighTs and MisUndersTandinG..n YeT evEryTiMe sHe wenT alOng..giVe uP moSt oF tHe tiMe jusT to saVe the LoVe n waNT it tO LasT unTiL marriagE whiLe i gEt anGry LikE a sMaLL babYy wanTinG a toY aDamAnTLy...juSt bcOs shE giVe n takE..i tooK adVantaGe of her affection n sTarted to break hEr proMise...mayBe the devIL wenT to My head n made me baD...i madE her cRy soooo muchh coS i huRt ssooo muchhhh n yet she camE baCk jusT to saVe thE luV...n knw i pusHed to the limit she dun care abt me anymorE..i diDnt knw mY plaYfuLneSs coS tiS muCH of ProB..sHe iS a Gem,anGeL,a giFt frOm goD..i haD iT yeT i miSusE iT...i feeL liKe thE moST stupidiest guY on eaRtH...if u can Hear tiS..iM reallY soRry..i doNt deServE a eaRths 10th wonDer Like u..i acTed Like sMall kid tellIn mY prOb to OtHer ppL to CreaTe sYmpAtHy..iTs may fauLt..
Posted on: Tue, 01 Jul 2014 08:05:38 +0000

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