To whom this may offend: I wish youd take a look at the Mental - TopicsExpress


To whom this may offend: I wish youd take a look at the Mental Health facilities and provision of care and support in York, or perhaps the bullsh*t services that Lime Trees so often supply to parents and families, or indeed bus services in this city, or alternatives to HMV. You could even piss and moan about there not being decent drop in centres in the city centre rather than another over-priced coffee shop. How about the amount of junk mail shoved through letter boxes day in day out from take-away food outlets when a local business supplying all the ingredients you need is no doubt halfway between your home and the nearest burger bar. Theres also the lack of bins on council estates or toilet facilities that dont require a tetanus jab for people who dont want to pay for a piss whilst out shopping. Why not setup a contact list of support services on an old mobile phone and give it to a kid on your estate who looks like life has dealt them a raw deal? I have a gig next Monday (the 28th July) at the new Fibbers (yes that room with a sound system that outrages people so much, get over it) and Im main support to a guy from Leeds named Daniel Pearson. Ill be joined by a skinny 60s themed guitar hero on some old Alpha Waves songs and some of my Marbled ditties. Itll be a good night and whilst in said venue, the world outside those walls will be a damn sight uglier than whatever happens in there, so come along for a good time. For those in need of a fresh perspective and change of prescription lenses, Specsavers can be found at 15 Low Ousegate. I also suggest realising that Spotify kills music much more than a venue does and the amount of playlists and currently listening to updates that fill your Facebook feed are the bigger problem, should you want to rant about the death of a scene of course. If however you want to be passionate about music in any way shape or form, good for you and I hope to see you on the 28th, at Fibbers.
Posted on: Sun, 20 Jul 2014 20:14:12 +0000

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