To whomever it may concern In a nutshell, Facebook is starting - TopicsExpress


To whomever it may concern In a nutshell, Facebook is starting to remind me of what a crazy bf/gf or ex does. Well what do I mean? Im talking about this new messenger fiasco, and what theyre forcing upon people to do by giving up most of your privacy and rights just to use their service. Including access to your camera and contacts. Article-- (for those whom dont know) thebull.cbslocal/2014/08/07/facebook-crosses-the-line-with-new-facebook-messenger-app/#.U-O6RXb1oAA.facebook Some would say, its actually not too surprising considering all recent events. So what if I were to tell you that in essence (dare I sound so drastic), that you and I are signing away our constitutional rights just by loging in. You know the terms and services that every site has. Those terms and services can be seen when signing up or at the bottom of the app or on the page itself. Is it just over fueled hype as usual? Do you guys remember that scene from the film “The Dark Knight,” Batman taps into every phone in Gotham City and uses the microphones as a sonar of sorts to catch the Joker? Well MIT, Microsoft, and Adobe-- all created a similar technology. Article-- (Explaining the Tech) Video-- (^) https://youtube/watch?v=FKXOucXB4a8 So what can you do from getting them to stop invading your privacy? Well have you ever heard of Aarons law? Its a bill about our rights on the internet. More specifically Computer fraud and abuse act. Some people might not remember but it resulted even in a tragic death. (It was closely associated with the 1%) Remember SOPA and the Wikipedia blackout? Well this certain bill protecting us hasnt even made it to congress yet. (And it wont) As of now the government has the right to charge you with the same offense multiple times! Yup, if they really want to they can send you away for 30 some odd years on a minor offense. Theyve tried to do so before. Guess what? The bill died in congress 2 days ago. Facebook also decided to launch the new messenger and policies at the same time. Article-- (old info on the history behind the bill and the death of the man the bill was made in honor of) wired/2013/06/aarons-law-is-finally-here/ Article-- (new info on congress shutting down) forbes/sites/thomasbrewster/2014/08/06/aarons-law-is-doomed-leaving-us-hacking-law-broken/ But wait, theres more! Have you ever sent a message to someone then they swear they didnt get it? Im not sure how many people actually told the truth about this, but I decide to check it out for myself. Over the years I opened multiple accounts and tried sending myself messages. Sounds crazy right? Well whats crazier is what I found through the results. Although I was a little baffled, (not entirely) some of those messages wouldnt even show up from around 12 hours to even 3 days. To offer a different perspective, you could say something like server lag or something similar in defense. This could be true, but from my experience as a current pen tester. (A White Hat hacker -- a person whom builds upon a security instead of invading and destroying it) Personally Ive been studying computers since before Myspace as a preteen, and networking security as a teen until now.... Well lets just say I know enough to recognize similar patterns whenever I see them. (Hell, computer forensics is a real thing if some people out there didnt know, but Im sure all of you have seen CIS or NCIS, lol) So bear with me a little while longer, this turned out to be a lot longer than I had originally anticipated. My next question is, have you also ever wondered why most people on your feed seemed all angry or all happy within a few days time? Well Im not the only that has noticed. In fact Facebook has been caught several times social engineering by manipulating your feeds. Dont believe me? Take a look at the article featured in Forbess site. Article -- forbes/sites/gregorymcneal/2014/06/28/facebook-manipulated-user-news-feeds-to-create-emotional-contagion/ In essence society has crippled itself. Its hard to believe a good majority of people now cant even carry a normal conversation without looking at their phone. This has also led to businesses slowing down blamed for shitty service when in fact customers now waste time by looking at their phones, tablets, or laptops asking for a wifi signal or taking pics of their food. This is why Im leaving you Facebook. Youre a needy control freak. Peace out. If you guys need me you can find me on Skype or directly via the same means. Jonpx@outlook
Posted on: Sat, 09 Aug 2014 07:04:21 +0000

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