To9t on La Tempestad. DamFab & Mags come in & Becky is - TopicsExpress


To9t on La Tempestad. DamFab & Mags come in & Becky is speachless.Marina promises to listen to Mercedes.Right now all the secrets end.In L.A.Ernesto tells Nereo that he is loving his new leg.Nereo says he cant tell that hes one leg short.Ernesto wants to start his vengeance.Nereo informs Ernesto that he bought him the house he wanted in Mexico.Ernesto wants to buy more.He wants to sleep in a new house each night so that no one finds him.Nereo wants to know when they will return to Mexico.Immediately replies Ernesto.I want to get my son & confront my enemies.Fully tells Jazmin that the mother of his grandchild will not be living in a room at the cantina.He promised to take care of her & his grand child.I tried to do that with Lazaro but he denied me.I will not allow you to deny me.I want the best for my grandchild.Abigail wonders where Lazaro is.She really likes him.No matter how much he resists he will be mine.Mercedes reminds the girls that this is all difficult for her.She hopes that they will one day be a family.Marina says if that was the case you would have told us the truth in the beginning.Mags agrees with Marina & says you preferred to keep your secrets & hide the truth.Becky defends Mercedes & tells the girls not to talk to their mother like that.I feel what Mercedes is feeling.Everything she did was for you.Mercedes says its not easy.I cant just tell you that Im your mother & your my daughters.Marina says when you told me that you were my mother u should have told me I had a sister.Mags reminds her of the agreement they made.Did you not want me to meet my sister?DamFab speaks up & defends Mercedes.He thinks that they need to think about what Mercedes went through all these years without them.Mags ignores him & says Mercedes is ashamed of her & didnt want her to meet Marina.Mercedes says she wanted Marina to know of her existence before they met.Mags says after all that it was I who made the decision to find my sister.So that she would know my existence.Marina asks Mags why she dressed just like her?What was your intention?To pass yourself off as me?Lolo tells the boys that DamFab will not be coming to work today.They gossip about Estercita.Mags is hurt.Mercedes tells Marina not to doubt Mags All she has wanted to do was get close to you.DamFab leaves the room.Marina doesnt know what to think.Mags says shes many things but not a liar.I only wanted to meet you & let you know I exist. Mercedes reminds Marina that DamFab has always loved her & defended her no matter what.Marina says she confused.Merecedes asks Marina why she is punishing her?Just like destiny did when it tore them apart.Marina doesnt want to talk about it.I told you that if you kept insisting,I would quit my job.So as of now I dont work for you & tomorrow morning I take everything out of the office.Mercedes begs her not to quit.The packing plant is for both of you.Its your future.Marina doesnt think she wants to run it anymore now that she knows her origins.Mercedes begs again & tells her to think about it.She doesnt think that Bea would like it if she left the packing plant.I know your confused but dont let your emotions rule you.Mags defends Marina & says she would probably feel the same way.Mercedes reminds the girls that no matter how much they deny her she is their mother & they are her daughters.I beg you not to leave me.Mags asks Mercedes if she has any other secret.Mercedes swears she doesnt.I just want you to accept me & let us be a family.Mags says she will try.Mercedes promises to try to obtain their trust.She wants Marina to let her get close to her.Marina wants to say yes,but doesnt think she would be truthful.Things between us will never be the same again.Ernesto sees the house that Nereo bought & he likes it.He wants Nereo to call the members of the organization discreetly & find out whos still behind him & who sold out to Hernan.Soon everyone will know that I am alive.Hernan calls Estercita & Ursula over.He tells them that Marina has a twin.Now everything makes sense says Estercita.She was the one I came across in town.Hernan warns Estercita to be careful.Now DamFab could take up with Mags.The girls dont think that will happen.DamFab is talking with baby Michel about Marina.He recalls Mags words at the beach.He tells baby Michel that he has a aunt that looks just like his mom & her name is Magdalena.Hernan wants Estercita to drug or get DamFab drunk to get him in her bed.Ursula reminds her to take pictures on her phone.Estercita doesnt think it will be that easy.Someone calls Ernesto & tells him that Fully is trying to claim the inheritance.Fully tells his attorney that Estercitas baby is really Ernestos & they can prove it with a DNA test.After Fully gets off the phone he says that no one can stop him from claiming the inheritance.Mags asks Marina if she isnt going to forgive Mercedes.Marina doesnt know if she can.She has to think things through.But she does want to get to know her.Mags doesnt believe her especially after the scene she made when she found out that she & DamFab kissed.Marina asks Mags to understand.I wasnt prepared for any of this.But you are my sister & I want to get to know you.Mags asks if she is speaking from the heart.Yes replies Marina & the sisters hold hands.I am happy to know that you exist & that I have a sister They hug.DamFab tells Marina not to get upset that he kissed Mags.Marina says its really not that.First I saw you with another woman.Then I find out shes my twin.All this is like a nightmare.DamFab says he understands There are no more secrets.You can all start a new life.Estercita takes this opportunity to come up & remind them that they cannot be together.She can still take her son with her & leave.Marina tells Estercita not to start.She will leave to avoid a scene.DamFab gets onto Ester.If he wants to talk 2 the women he loves then he can.DamFab says hes not in the mood to fight with her & leaves.Abigail finds Lazaro in the streets.He tells her to leave him alone.Hes still married.She just wants a chance.She can make him happy.Lazaro reminds her that he loves Lucia & Rosy is in the background soaking this all in.Abigail keeps trying,but Lazaro again tells her to leave.She says she just wanted to remind him that this will not be the last you see of me.She tries to kiss him & he backs up & leaves.Rosy thinks that the Abigail will be easy to manage.She says hi to the Abigail.Estercita returns home & asks DamFab if he is still mad at her.Dam says not to start with the same thing again.She says she just doesnt like Marina around him.She promised him that she would change & she will.DamFab doesnt want to talk anymore & goes to take a shower.Estercita says that she will make dinner.She recalls Hernans words and takes her sleeping pills out.She starts crushing them & promises to make the best dinner for DamFab.Nereo tells Ernesto that he has made inquiries & many members of the organization would still be loyal to him.How can you be sure asks Ernesto.Because I talked to them & they are sadden at your passing.Ernesto says its time for him to rise from the dead.Estercita puts the crushed pills in DamFabs wine glass & brings it to him.He declines but she insists it would accompany the meal well & wants to make a toast to their son.He drinks a sip & puts the glass down.She tells him to drink more.Rosy tells the Abigail that she is Lazaros mother.She wants her to keep seeking out her son.She thinks that she would be perfect for her son.Not like the other which she hates.DamFab is starting to get sleepy & Estercita tells him to go to bed.He tries walking but starts stumbling.Estercita helps him to his room.He tells her to leave him alone then passes out.She makes sure hes out & starts taking off his shirt.She takes her phone out of the drawer & starts undressing gets into bed with DamFab & starts taking pictures.The next morning,Estercita is draped all over DamFab.He wakes up with a bad headache & notices Estercita in his bed.He asks her what she is doing in his bed.Dont you remember asks Estercita.I am not in the mood for games replies DamFab.When I was helping you into bed you asked me to stay & it was the best night of my life.You were so passionate.Like our first night. Manana:Mags & Marina keep getting to know each other.Estercita shows Marina pictures of her & DamFab in bed.
Posted on: Sat, 30 Aug 2014 08:19:42 +0000

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