Today, 22 May, is International day of Biodiversity. WESSA - TopicsExpress


Today, 22 May, is International day of Biodiversity. WESSA (Wildlife and Environmental Society of South Africa) has the following definition of Biodiversity: The concept of biodiversity celebrates the beauty, variety and abundance of life on Earth but it also recognises that every species, no matter how insignificant it may seem, plays a critical role in the finely-tuned balance of life. Praise the Lord for the enormous variety He has created. He has delegated the privilege and responsibility of caring for His Creation, to us, as people. May us be faithful in that, and may He be glorified. Even in a small town garden, we can celebrate biodiversity by “creating” various habitats for a variety of birds and other creatures. To begin with: steer clear of poison. Plant evergreen and deciduous trees and shrubs as well as ground covers and flowers. To attract a variety of birds, there would have to be flowers for sunbirds, fruit for the fruiteaters and – if you have the space – even a bit of wild grass in a sunny corner for the seed eaters. Yes, do keep a sunny corner as well as shade. Have a bit of water – even just a bird bath is fine. If you don’t use poison, the insect eating birds would come as well.
Posted on: Thu, 22 May 2014 14:55:38 +0000

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