Today 22 years ago my youngest son Joey Slate was born, he came a - TopicsExpress


Today 22 years ago my youngest son Joey Slate was born, he came a little early and weighed exactly 6 lbs. the car seat swallowed him. He was such a good baby never cried or fussed, always happy. At this point in my life I already had a two year old and I felt that I was a pro at this mothering thing. Then he learned to walk and it was all over but the crying. He had imagination and determination, he kept me on my toes. At two he made himself a cape and stacked chairs and books on a coffee table and I managed to catch him just before he grabbed the fan blade on the ceiling fan to fly. He jumped off the garage roof with an umbrella (no more Mary Poppins movies), He built cars and planes, ramps and obstacle courses, he was a child with ideas. He had no fear of dying that was left for me to worry about. He turned into a teenager and we fought daily, he wanted to do what he wanted to do, and I was determined that he was going to graduate high school which required him doing some things he did not want to do. I won! Joey is still creative and full of ideas but it is so less scary when this is connected to the wonderful man he became. I love you Joey, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
Posted on: Fri, 25 Jul 2014 13:02:12 +0000

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