Today 24th Dec 1914 Despite it being Christmas Eve there was - TopicsExpress


Today 24th Dec 1914 Despite it being Christmas Eve there was actually relatively little Christmassy about today’s paper; the Christmastide pages of the previous two days came to an end and there wasn’t even the customary leader article on the topic. The only article of note concerning the festive season came on page 9, about the Royal Christmas cards to servicemen, which was further illustrated on page 3 with a photo of the boxes of cards being sent by King George V to the troops, and reproductions of the messages enclosed. Oddly, and a tad ironically, the paper was more interested in the century of peace between the UK and USA, it being 100 years to the day since the signing of the treaty of Ghent which ended the War of 1812. Also in today’s paper - The Duke of Devonshire writes a letter concerning the success of the Christmas present fund set up under the aegis of Princess Mary. - A party of convalescent wounded Sikh soldiers visit London. - The government announces financial relief for those affected by the German bombardment on the east coast. - The paper reports on London stations, where “an extraordinarily large proportion of travellers are soldiers”. - The last of Rudyard Kipling’s six articles on “The New Army in Training” is published, which a leader on page claim claims “represent Mr. Kipling at his very best and most characteristic.” - A date is fixed for the reopening of the Stock Exchange. - King Albert places an order to provide his Belgian troops with cigars as Christmas presents. - Granville Fortescue reports from a Warsaw under aerial attack as the Russians deny reports of a German victory in Poland. - A German plot to wreck ships sailing from America to Europe is foiled. Western Front. British bomb German airsheds at Brussels. First German air raid on England; German aeroplane dropped one bomb at Dover, making hole in a garden. No casualties. French successes at Perthes-les-Hurlus (Champagne) and Consenvoye (Meuse). Eastern Front Reported rising of Romanians in Transylvania. Naval and Overseas Operations Portguese Colony of Angola (south-west Africa) invaded by Germans. Political, etc. Morocco: Great Britain recognises French Protectorate. 134,000 German and 225,000 Austrian prisoners claimed by Russia to date. British 2nd and 4th Battalion Squadrons again in North Sea on sweep to southward. French success at Perthes-les-Hurlus (Champagne). German air raid on Nancy. Prussian XXXIXth (Gen von Lauenstein), XLth (Gen Litzmann), and XLIst (Gen von François) Reserve Corps formed. HMS Doris destroyed German SS Odessa (German Levant Line) near Mortalik, Ayas Bay (Asia Minor). Britain recognised French Proctectorate in Morocco.
Posted on: Wed, 24 Dec 2014 06:49:41 +0000

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