Today, 70 years ago, on December 28, 1944 the following soldiers - TopicsExpress


Today, 70 years ago, on December 28, 1944 the following soldiers of the US 26th Infantry Division were Killed in Action, while fighting for our freedom in occupied Europe. These men gave their lives which was and still is the greatest sacrifice. They gave the most precious thing they had, leaving their fathers, mothers, brothers and sisters back at their homes in the United States. Boys and men, so far away from home. From their families and friends, fighting in countries they may have never heard of. But they did it anyway, so that every man and woman may live in freedom. Even today we still appreciate what they did for us. May these men and woman Rest in Peace who have died during the liberation of Europe. Thank you for your service and those who are serving now. These soldiers were Killed in Action on December 28, 1944; Private First Class Robert J. Bulkley, 101st Infantry Regiment. Recipient of the Purple Heart. Private Armand G. Grigsby, 101st Infantry Regiment. Recipient of the Purple Heart. Second Lieutenant George F. Pennington, 101st Infantry Regiment. Recipient of the Distinguished Service Cross and the Purple Heart. Sergeant Russell L. Smith, 101st Infantry Regiment. Recipient of the Purple Heart. Second Lieutenant Vasco Tiziani, 101st Infantry Regiment. Recipient of the Bronze Star Medal and the Purple Heart. They stand in the unbroken line of patriots who have dared to die. That freedom might live and grow, and increase its blessings. Freedom lives, and through it, they live in a way that humbles the undertaking of most men.
Posted on: Sun, 28 Dec 2014 08:00:01 +0000

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