Today, August 16, 2014, I woke up for the first time in 11 years - TopicsExpress


Today, August 16, 2014, I woke up for the first time in 11 years without teenagers. Christian Chiero turns 20 today. Happy Birthday Kiff! Christian was the kid born happy and he never stopped smiling. Christian Alan - the all boy with a tender heart; the one with whom I shared Midnight Rides - our middle of the night excursions with an irrelevant destination and no purpose except to ride together. The long talks about great business ideas, Jesus and girlfriends; sudden laughter that causes drinks to come through our noses. Our best memories surround the Eastchester pool and baseball fields. In-the-pool baseball, sneaking behind the Yankees dugout to hear Jeter talk to A-rod, your name in lights at Huntington Park. Your constant is your posse of friends, who I love like my own. They entered our home with a hey rather than a knock and I miss that so much. Remember the time you googled how to get toilet paper out of trees? You and your friends came up with the bright-only-in-the-minds-of adolescent-boys idea to start it on fire. Which made a line of trees on Bryn Mawr Drive light up like Tiki torches. The police came. I tried to act angry but had to keep going to my car to laugh. Im still laughing 7 years later. And the time I was late to your Baseball Senior Night because I went to the wrong high school (I know, how do you go to the wrong High School on Senior night?!?) but instead of being angry you sent me a text of love and grace that I read 100 times because every mother deserves to be loved like that at least once. One day, my son, I will look back on my life and measure the good of my time here. At the top of the list will be a son who walks with love, kindness, compassion; who is funny and smart and will change the world. And maybe do one of those business ideas we talked about. I love you my son. It is my joy to sit in the bleachers of your life and cheer.
Posted on: Sat, 16 Aug 2014 12:14:28 +0000

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