Today Beauty was collected and signed over into care. He is a 3 - TopicsExpress


Today Beauty was collected and signed over into care. He is a 3 year old entire - (it was lovely to read all the wonderful welcome comments and see that his Beauty warranted a female title!) His story is quite a little miraculous. Beauty has really come home to safety at last..... His past is past and so its important to know some of it but there is no merit in commenting on it critically as to do so will not be productive. His future will now be the story. By way of introduction, over a year ago, Beauty was tethered on a field in Kent - he was not an ex flat racer - but instead he was being used as a racing Trotter. At 2 he had already been in hard work for some considerable time. He was very very thin and exhausted. The field that Beauty was tethered on was the same field that Herbie - one of the other wonderful rescue ponies - was born on. So at some point the two of them would have met. When Beauty was first seen, there was the chance of being able to rescue one pony only. Close to him was a very weak eight month old foal. The decision had to be made to remove the foal as his condition was the priority. Not an easy task, to leave a horse behind! The remarkable part here is that a person close by asked for Beauty to be taken into care but heart-breakingly there was not the resources available to do this. When no funds or facilities are available the hardest decisions are sometimes demanded. Having no choice does not mean that it makes such a restriction any easier. It hurts! Beauty then vanished, however this same person unexpectedly managed to try to care for Beauty and wormed him and had his feet trimmed. This intervention somehow got Beauty through the wretched winter. Conditions were not appropriate for him by any means but he did at least receive basic care and this in itself deserves recognition. Sadly the country is full of horses in worse conditions than Beauty. Sometimes a horse gets into your soul and for the field officer who had attended, the regret at not having the support or means at that time to take in Beauty, weighed heavily on her. During monitors and on every call, she was always hoping to find him and this time not be forced to turn her back on him. Then a message was received recently, that this person desperately needed a horse to be taken into care. Beauty was amazingly found......... Today he arrived at the isolation unit and will have all the blood tests and receive ongoing care and then rehabilitation. He will be allowed to grow correctly for many years before he is re started - ( DENS never breaks horses). He will learn to walk at liberty, trot and move at will, socialise and develop and learn from herd members. He will be able to be a horse and his needs will be met. Appreciation is warranted to the person that has tried to care for him and gratitude for contacting DENS and signing him over legally into forever safe care. Welcome Beauty, he will now share his story with you all just like Toffee and Oreo and Herbie and Dolly and Rover and all the others too......
Posted on: Mon, 28 Jul 2014 21:25:05 +0000

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