Today Caelynn was able to go to the movies and with two of her - TopicsExpress


Today Caelynn was able to go to the movies and with two of her cousins. She was so excited ever since I told her last night we were going. Since waking up this morning she started telling me she loved me I dont even know how many times and then throughout the movie she kept telling me she loved me. In the middle of the movie she asked to sit on my lap so I held her and kissed her little bald head and just thought to myself how lucky I am to hold her and hear her little voice. I began to tear up just thanking God for everything he has done for us and for allowing me to hold my little girl in my arms. I also began to think of the parents who have lost a child and I cant even imagine the pain because it hurts so much. I am beyond grateful for the fight as well as all the support from the community, family, and friends. When we heard the words that Caelynn had cancer I felt as if my heart had just been ripped out of my chest but I remember thinking okay whats our next step? My mind was thinking about what to do next and the rest of my body was screaming for help, but I am so glad that God stepped in to give me strength to keep moving forward. Please cherish every single moment with your family no matter how small you think it may be. Hold your little ones and tell them you love them, kiss them more than you think you should. God Bless you All!!!
Posted on: Fri, 04 Jul 2014 01:47:15 +0000

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