Today Dale would have been 38, but 2 years & 26 days ago he passed - TopicsExpress


Today Dale would have been 38, but 2 years & 26 days ago he passed away, after a very sudden diagnosis of AML a rare form of Leukemia that progresses extremely fast. He knew about his battle for less than 7 days. His parents, siblings, chilren, myself & many friends got the devastating shock of a life time. And broken hearts of a lifetime as a good man was taken far before he should have been. That day my life changed beyond what anyone could imagine. My husband and 3 of my children ripped away from me and our youngest sons life, but also from his entire family. Kasi Zink choosing to keep Brianna, Kristina and Trey from so many people who love them for her own selfish cheap reasons will NEVER be understood. As none f us understand why things happen, we hang on to hope that one day God will make everything right again. Dale cant ever come back, but we cling to the good memories and celebrate who he was as a person. Always full of life and trying to help everyone he could. He wasnt a perfect man, but he was a damned good one who loved his family & children more than the air we breathe. Dale, we had our rough times and went through so much together, but I will love you all my life. You are not forgotten, never will be. Not a day goes by that we dont think of you. Happy 38th Birthday! May you be resting peacefully in the promiseland.
Posted on: Wed, 30 Jul 2014 15:29:04 +0000

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