Today I am OFFICIALLY MEDICALLY RETIRED from the Alabama National - TopicsExpress


Today I am OFFICIALLY MEDICALLY RETIRED from the Alabama National Guard (OFFICIAL)! I served 12 years and 10 months which included 4 hurricane duties (emergency management is the reason I joined the National Guard), numerous alerts and 1 deployment as a Commander to Iraq. I will miss the Soldiers I served with and for. I will greatly miss serving the people of this great state! My career spanned the ranks of a SPC Specialist (E4) to a CPT Captain (O3)! I have cleaned pots and pans for 14 hours straight on my first day in the military to Commanding in a combat zone. I have hugged a soldier whos wife had twins and hugged a soldier who lost his mom and couldnt get back from Iraq in time to say good-bye. I hope I have made a difference in the orders and policies that I have written and implemented over these years, but most of all, I hope I have made a difference in the encouragement, standing up for and listening ear that I provided for my soldiers.Thank you to all the family members that supported me and my troops for all of these years! I LOVE YOU from the bottom of my heart! For the 167th TSC; HHC, 1103rd CSSB, Det 1, 781st TC all I have to say is….GOD AND COUNTRY! If you ever need anything I am here for you!
Posted on: Fri, 22 Nov 2013 16:45:39 +0000

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