Today I am PROUD and ASHAMED PROUD because Ashya is now back - TopicsExpress


Today I am PROUD and ASHAMED PROUD because Ashya is now back with his parents and family PROUD because common sense, compassion, love, and democracy won through in the end PROUD because people from all over the world who will never meet each other, came together with one accord to end this Injustice, each bringing to the forum their talents and skills given willingly to free Mr and Mrs King. PROUD because a 16 year old young man named Ethan Dallas stood by his friends and administered this page, and at the same time arranged a petition which was so successful he was able to hand it in personally to No 10. He also had the courage to address the assembled Press which must have been nerve wracking. Hes a cool dude and should go far. PROUD because so many people who dont know the King family have donated so much money to help their cause. And because a charity has offered to pay for Ashyas treatment in Prague. PROUD because the BBC News gave this story high prominence, hour after hour, day upon day, and in their balanced reporting made me aware that there was a Youtube video, a social media web page and an on-line petition so like many others I went looking for the truth on-line. If they had not done this I would never have known about this injustice. PROUD because Nick Clegg Deputy Prime Minister stuck his head above the parapet and risked his career by giving his personal opinion on TV which commenced the final knocking down of the brick wall thrown up by the Authorities against the King family. PROUD because in the first Prime Ministers Question Time of this parliament, questions were asked about why so many families are being driven abroad because of the UK zealous child protection rules, and also about why these didnt work in Rotheram. PROUD because a nerd named Mark Zukerberg created a system at college to diss the girls, and in so doing created Facebook a powerful media tool which can be used as a sword to fight injustice. ASHAMED that I voted for Simon Hayes the so called independent Hampshire Police and Crime Commissioner. He was supposed to represent the public voice and keep the Police under control. Instead he acted as a Police Puppet doing what they told him and not speaking out against this terrible injustice.HE SHOULD RESIGN. In fact as he has not replied to or acknowledged the many emails he has received on this subject, I am sending him a Funky Pigeon card with Ashyas Picture on it demanding that he resign.You could do the same. His address is Office of the Police Crime Commissioner for Hampshire St Georges Chambers St Georges Street Winchester Hampshire SO23 8AJ Or try emailing him, but I dont think he reads emails, the address is [email protected] ASHAMED that my Council Tax of £2,600 per year was spent hounding 2 innocent people across Europe and jailing them for a pretend crime. ASHAMED that Mr and Mrs King spent 4 nights in custody for NOT COMMITTING A CRIME. ASHAMED that my Police Force which is known to be heavy handed (I can give more details on this) refused to back down when it was clear that they were pursuing innocent people. ASHAMED that the Deputy Chief Constable would not apologise for his forces actions, when he could have said he was sorry that this has caused so much upset to the King family, Ashya and the public at large. The Independent Police Complaints Commission should be asked to investigate his actions ASHAMED that Portsmouth City Council simply made Ashya a ward of court without first checking the facts, and now will not remove that wardship so that Mr King has to devote his time to this rather than getting his son the care he needs. ASHAMED that my local hospital which saves lives on a daily basis, including mine, has been brought into disrepute by 2 Doctors who saw fit to threaten the King Family with removing their child if they questioned the treatment they wanted to give their son. Also that it took 5 days before the Hospital would comment and their spokesman was rapidly re-writing history to make the Hospital sound better as he spoke. He was not convincing. ASHAMED that the Crime Prosecution Service and the Magistrate that signed the arrest and search warrants didnt ask some in depth questions before they leapt into action. ASHAMED that none of the above took a step back and said we know Ashyas Grandmother lives in Bournemouth, why dont we first have a chat with her to find out what is going on? Instead her flat was searched. ASHAMED that FB users criticized Ethan Dallas who is only 16 for the way he was administering this page, and also criticized him for presenting the petition to No 10. We have some strange people to co-exist with on FB! He did an excellent job in my opinion. ASHAMED that a once great country of which I was proud could stoop this low. KEEP UP THE FIGHT GOOD PEOPLE AND MAKE RIGHT THE TERRIBLE WRONGS DONE TO THE KING FAMILY.
Posted on: Fri, 05 Sep 2014 09:08:33 +0000

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