Today I am feeling exhausted. Yes I did sleep, but yesterday there - TopicsExpress


Today I am feeling exhausted. Yes I did sleep, but yesterday there was a lot going on and I guess the stress, drama and other stuff took some of it out of me. But I feel I do not have to apologize for everything because not everything is my fault and yes everybody has their own opinions about this or that. But also feel it really got nothing to do with anyone whom I make friends with or what I do in my personal life. Yes I make mistakes like everyone else does and I am only human just like you and I know about consequences to actions, but stop being so hard on everything encluding me and learn to forgive too,cos, one should not hold grudges against another. To me it wrong! People out there need to learn to stop pointing fingers at each other and look at their own faults before looking at others faults. Also learn to love one another! Life can be a horrible place and there is a lot of war and drama in our world, but a lot of people need to learn how to love one another again. Because hate KILLS and love HEALS! Give it a try, it just might surprise you, Yes some people really made me yesterday but I am not here to judge. My God is! And I hate fighting, I know that I have many problems, but they are being dealt with and I stay at home due to a disability and yes my parents do look out for me. Any parent will automatically do that for any of there children, big or small and they look after me because of a long term illness in which I have had a long time now. I will also not pretend with you people or lie to you and I have mentioned once before that if I ever let you down or hurt you, know that I did not do it on delibrately. I have no intentions of hurting anyone on purpose and I will not use you either. I like everyone else am here on FB to have fun, play games and chat to my friends, just like you! Yes I play a lot of games and I am not the only one here, but in future when you do not hear from me, I am properly not well and me in bed sleeping or me out with my mum, watching telly and properly having some tea and I do not have to let everyone know what I am doing in my life. Like some people have asked me to do. Sometimes I wish I could help everyone, but I know I cannot and I am not here to please everybody, but I try and I do not have to agree with everyone or everything. As I also said, I know I made a few poo poos, but stop attacking me just because I made a mistake, have you never made a mistake in your life and try to be nice as well. Believe me being nice to one another, helping each other out and giving some love rather then fighting, Believe me a little love can make a huge difference in a persons life and the world we all live in. But I just like you to know although your upset with me or not that I still love you, because many of you mean a lot to me and I do mean that!
Posted on: Wed, 14 Aug 2013 06:40:48 +0000

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