Today I am home on a workday for the first time in four months. - TopicsExpress


Today I am home on a workday for the first time in four months. It’s very strange just sitting here with the two cats staring at me, as to say “What the hell are you going to do now dumb ass”?(tough love) For four months I would wake to the damn birds screaming at o dark thirty. Sunrise would soon follow. It was then time to start organizing all my life’s possessions in my pack and pound down a scrumptious cinnamon pop tart. Wearing the same stinky cloths I’ve been wear for last”x” days, the smell motivates me to start moving to keep the odor behind. Throw the pack on my back and shove three granola bars in my pocket and start walking. Hikers carry a guide that gives distances and elevation of the trail. Usually I set a goal of about 15 miles a day pace. I always plan on camping at a designated camping stops that has a water source. Shelters are located about every 8 to 10 miles and most have water sources nearby. Nearby was very nebulous. Sometimes it was half a mile away with up 500 feet elevation dip. I would plan a pace of 2 mph. The terrain and elevation change raise or lowered that number. I would hike to 10 oclock and stop just long enough to rearrange my clothes under my pack and pound a cliff bar(a protein bar of some sorts). By now I was usually dripping sweat and stopping made me cold. So on I hike till midday. I hike until I found a spot I could stop for lunch. That was never easy. I just wanted a dry spot to sit. Sometimes I hiked for two hours looking for a damn spot to just sit. I’m getting long again and my cats are telling me I need to get my ass in gear and start on thousands of neglected chores. I also have 4 thousand pictures that I took on the trip I need to start sorting out. Ill share as I get to them but right now it’s time to start “working” not walking
Posted on: Mon, 29 Jul 2013 15:24:46 +0000

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