Today I am not at all positive, After reading an attempt to define - TopicsExpress


Today I am not at all positive, After reading an attempt to define karma as not a religious concept, I got to thinking about karma, dogma and stupidity. Today I want to tell you how I know karma is not real. You see if karma was real good nice people would be the leaders of the world, not depraved lying pigs. Its logical if you sow what you reap, being an all round nice person that is always ready to help would get you loads of good karma. Being a miserable person would not. This is the logic of karma right, The wheel turns and you will get yours. Lets look at this theory and show you how it doesnt add up. Once upon a long time ago in a country not very far away, some people looked at a system that divided them from others with seemingly minor differences. These people believed everyone wanted the same thing, a place in the sun, freedom and the ability to do anything they wanted. They wanted the people in their land to join hands and build something great. Some were woken from their slumber earlier than others and went to work for an organisation that had as its aims to free the people. They spent their lives on the run, hiding from the mean and nasty government doing all they could to help free the people. Others lived on blissfully unaware till later and on becoming aware they helped all they could, their was a rift in families because they differed on what self determination and freedom meant. He good people that cared for their neighbours and even those living in squalor further away triumphed. The system was allegedly abolished because 70% of these people fought hard and helped raise awareness, some just voted. You would think that karma would look on these people and reward them with good relationships with those neighbours that they had helped, but this did not occur. Talk of rainbow nations and working together were scuppered by greedy people that did not want to share. These people elbowed their way into power stepping on those that helped, kicking them to the ground and refusing them their promised place in the sun. Today many of these good people are disillusioned looking for the next way to make enough to survive, their children are being denied education because they are too pale and cannot afford the fees, finding funding is near impossible because the quotas are against them. Those in power instead of abolishing the system that enslaved them took it and modified it to suit their own agenda. They continually look to the past and fail to see the future. Karma is ignoring everything unless those people that did good were being enslaved by the karma of people that lived before them. It is a Christian precept that the sins of the father are passed onto the son. This is why we are all flawed and full of sin. A blameless person can go through live and live like a saint, (the hypothetical saint, not the flawed people sainted by other flawed people) talking about this Saint Jacob as he is now known to the Greek Orthodox will definitely be going to Greek Orthodox heaven, karma is going to skip him totally because the Greeks love his ways. WTF people, are you totally daft. If I was Greek Orthodox I would be looking to spend my tithes elsewhere. Anyway back to the sins of the father. How does this work, If my father was a cattle rustler in the wild west, should they hang me for the crime? How about if my father had defrauded a whole bunch of people (true story) should I be guilty because he was a bad person? Oh by the way karma got him good, he died you know, Oh wait everyone dies at some point in their lives. He died of the same disease that killed my Grandpa and he was a good man, never hurt a fellow traveller on this planet except in the great war of 39 – 45. He had no real choices, It was him or the Nazis that were trying to kill him. Uncle Bob of the country to the North of us killed many many people after the “struggle” because they were a different tribe and didnt support him, He stole land from those that tamed it and worked it. He cheated in elections, oppresses his people, Karma is particularly kind to him, He is living in the lap of luxury and is now a very very old man. A young lady I knew many years ago was the sweetest kindest person I ever met. Karma was a real cant to her, she died in child birth, never getting to see the child she so loved in the womb already. I know of many people that have clawed their way up the wealth ladder by being utterly ruthless, being immoral and destroying lives in the process. Karma is seemingly ignoring some of these people totally. I see them driving in vehicles that the people they ripped off should be in. I know of people that lost everything because they dealt with people like this. Karma is seemingly not on the side of the honest.
Posted on: Mon, 26 Jan 2015 07:27:44 +0000

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