Today I am sad. I am sad for our future and imp sad for my - TopicsExpress


Today I am sad. I am sad for our future and imp sad for my children’s future. Two weeks ago, a group of people took a stand. They didn’t take a stand because they had some grand idea of their own and wanted to see it happen. They took a stand because that was their job and they were going to do it no matter what it took. A percentage of American people voiced their displeasure with something, told their representatives about it, and the representatives went to bat. They stood up and vowed to fight for the people, whatever it took. They took the fight to the hill and put their own reputations, their own faces, and their own careers on the line for what were right. They did it for patriotism, and for democracy. When soldiers came back from Viet Nam, they were attacked by the people, by media, by the people that asked them to go over there. These politicians aren’t those soldiers. But they were asked to go out and fight on our behalf, and now the media is making them out to be war criminals. The President of the United States is calling them terrorists. Yet, by a simple 10 minute read of the constitution, any American can understand, without question, that they were doing exactly what they were called upon to do, and have, to this point, followed the letter of the law. I’m sad today, because the people quit; not the politition soldiers we sent to the hill, but the people at home. They quit on our soldiers when the fight got hard. I said a few weeks ago that it was time to put some skin in the game, and I guess America wasn’t ready to. Many people are upset with the GOP and the Tea Baggers today because they caused the government shutdown or some variation on blame. Some people are mad at them for giving in last night by making a deal with the Senate. What really happened? The people stopped being willing to fight. The people didn’t like putting skin in the game. The politicians lost the support of their people and their people said they weren’t willing to fight anymore. I’m sad because my children are likely going to have to grow up in a country that isn’t really ready to fight for what they believe in. They are willing to scream and shout and bear their teeth like a tiny little dog, but when it’s time to stand your ground and take a few punches, they are more likely to run away. Sure, I can raise them differently, and I will, to the best of my ability, and I will. But the pride in our country, that’s going to be something a little harder. Today, I’d like to thank the GOP and the Tea Baggers, not as a republican, but as an American. I’d like to thank them for doing your job the way it was intended. Thank you for putting the skin in the game and your career on the line when asked to. And thank you for swallowing your pride, laying down your sword, and sucking it up when your people lost faith. You did what was asked of you by your constituents in every leg of the race, regardless of the consequences. For all you out there that are mad at these people, you should be ashamed. They did not act alone; they acted on someone’s behalf. They may have acted on your behalf. The people quit when it stopped looking like a fair fight and they were going to half to suffer for a bit to stick to their beliefs. This shows the strength of our resolve, and it is pitiful. Also today, I would like to thank the Democrats, though we are wholly opposed on most, if not all fronts, I can only bear to believe that they are acting on the same faith and allegiance of their constituents, and for that I thank and congratulate them. I said a few weeks ago that I would support and respect whatever came from the hill because that is how democracy works. That is how a republic works. I still disagree with it, and I will still speak out and vote against the resolutions of yesterday, but as an American, my loyalty to my country will not founder, and my Faith in our system of government will not be shaken. As soon as we lose those things, we will not have America anymore. That being said, it does not mean that I will cease to question my leaders and participate in my government. I will not stop my fight to shape my government in the image of our country lost and with what I believe to be the needs and desires of our people today. For if that fight too is lost, then again will we not have America.
Posted on: Thu, 17 Oct 2013 10:41:34 +0000

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