Today I am taking a venturesome attempt to express my - TopicsExpress


Today I am taking a venturesome attempt to express my understanding on economic philosophy of three eminent Indian personalities and its relevancy in current socio-economic outfit of India. Basically this triggered because of some discussion went on regarding the effectiveness of the new political force, AAP, arose in the Indian politics and their economic vision. :) After some research work on google my understanding about different economic philosophy of our legendary and/or significant leaders are as below. Gandhian economic philosophy: At the starting I should say “Throughout his life, Gandhi sought to develop ways to fight Indias extreme poverty, backwardness and socio-economic challenges as a part of his wider involvement in the Indian independence movement”. So Gandhi is basically a freedom fighter who have his own economic thought, I have little dissent to termed this as a policy. “Gandhian economics do not draw a distinction between economics and ethics”. As per Koilpillai J. Charles there are five myths about Gandhian conimics. Those are 1. Acceptance of poverty 2. Return to the simplicity of India’s economic past; 3. Elimination of machinery and large-scale production; 4. Adherence to the social and economic rules and regulations of orthodox Hinduism; 5. Rejection of communism and acceptance of a modified capitalism. Mr. Charles categorically tried to establish the incorrectness of every myth. Out of these 5 points I have emphasized 3rd and 5th one. As per my understanding Gandhi is not a firm believer of any ism at least in terms of economics. As per the socio economic demand he had been changed his believe, initially he was anti large scale industrialization but later on he was accepted the necessity of industry. Economic policy of Neheru: In short Neheru’s economic policy is socialist in nature, but at the same time he is strong disbeliever of over socialist tendencies in the economic policies. He did not have any mental blockage on industrialization. He was intent to harness and fully exploit the natural resources of India for the benefit of his countrymen. “However, he had strict reservations on the question of foreign investment. Nehru was wary of foreign investment. Nehrus nationalist ideals confirmed in him the belief that India was self-sufficient to bolster her own growth.” Economic philosophy of Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose: I not able to find much on Netaji’s economic vision. Whatever my understanding by reading few articles, Netaji believes economic freedom was the essence of social and political freedom. “He was much impressed by the success attained by the U.S.S.R. in effecting economic development through rapid industrialization within a very short period of time”. After going through those articles my understanding is all these personalities are a firm believer of socialist economics. Regarding industrialization at one point of time they all had common view, the means or sector might be different. Regarding foreign funding I do not have any clear picture except Neheru, though “he did not officially decry the possibility of foreign investment in direct terms”. Now if I turn towards current situation of India I would like to talk on economic stands of two parties. CPIM and AAP. During this exploration I came to know one new terminology i.e. neo liberal economic policies. The underneath meaning of neo-liberal is it is an economic globalization policies allowing financial transnational capital of the group to decide alone on all issues in their exclusive interests. Now Prakash Karat and Mr. Yechury both are express there concern on neo liberal economy. We all know that this is one of the main usp of any communist party. I am not in a position to comment on the acceptability of this economic view. Last 100 years may be people are debating on these topics. Socialism, Capitalism now newly introduced neoliberalism. Noticeably I have found AAP does not have any firm stand on any of the isms. In every single occasion they are trying to express their openness on the industrialization and any ism for betterment of people of the India. They have Medha Patkar, they have Mira Sanyal under the same hood. They have every potential to mold themselves according the needs, and that is the only way to make progress in this agile world. The only firm stand of AAP is against crony capitalism and I think every selfless logical Indian should accept this stand. Ref: 1. 2. 3. mapsofindia/personalities/nehru/economic-policies.html 4. 5. 6. essayforum/essays-term-papers-1/marx-vs-gandhi-power-social-class-money-essay-please-help-1241/ 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. spyghana/effects-neo-liberal-economic-globalization-policies/ 12. 13. articles.economictimes.indiatimes/2014-03-25/news/48559104_1_the-aap-aam-aadmi-party-tax-exemptions 14. business-standard/article/opinion/aap-s-right-wing-morality-and-left-wing-economics-114012300315_1.html 15. financialexpress/news/cpi(m)-welcomes-raising-of-corruption-inequality-issues-by-aam-aadmi-party/1236027 16. articles.economictimes.indiatimes/2014-03-24/news/48524021_1_reliance-gas-pricing-aam-aadmi-party-aap-sources 17. thehindu/news/national/karat-critiques-aaps-economic-policy-and-lack-of-ideology/article5706423.ece 18. hindustantimes/india-news/arvindkejriwalacommonmaninpolitics/aap-to-promise-farmers-the-moon/article1-1197407.aspx 19. firstpost/politics/aaps-economic-double-vision-meera-sanyal-vs-medha-patkar-1401941.html 20.
Posted on: Sun, 30 Mar 2014 13:09:35 +0000

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