Today I am thankful for: 1) My spirituality. Its enabled me to - TopicsExpress


Today I am thankful for: 1) My spirituality. Its enabled me to see the world in color and establish a close relationship with God. Although my path has not been traditional in many ways, it is mine and Im extremely grateful for it. 2) The ability to write. I had this professor in college who was pompous and extremely annoying. He told me I had comma trauma, a claim that would plague me for many years. Nevertheless he introduced me to Sylvia Plath, Charlotte Perkins and Kate Chopin. My world was forever changed. These women were so ahead of their time and their words transformed my life in so many ways. They inspired me to write, which has become a life altering outlet for me over the years. I will always be thankful for him, comma trauma and all. 3) My love for animals. Anyone who knows me wont deny that Im slightly obsessed with four legged creatures. In my opinion, there is no love like the love from an animal. It is pure, without conditions and it has been my saving grace in some of my darkest moments.
Posted on: Mon, 01 Sep 2014 03:05:47 +0000

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