Today I am thankful for dreams We all have Dreams, some good, - TopicsExpress


Today I am thankful for dreams We all have Dreams, some good, some bad, some sad, at times they are terrifying. They become so realistic, in some cases they wake us up from a dead sleep, and in other cases they put us in a trance while we are wide awake. Dreams are what sparks a fire in every man or woman alive to achieve something that is worth risking everything for even your life. And depending on how passionate you are about your dreams and how determined you are to make them a reality, others tend to focus in on them as well… . Dreams are what Dr. Martin Luther King based his magnificent speech on, and then later lead to his assassination, but also lead to the largest civil rights movement in American History. How about further back with our first President George Washington, a man so passionate about his dreams that he lead an army of men to war… Yes WAR! Could you imagine? Being so passionate about a dream and have the ability to have thousands of people lay down their lives for something they too believe in … The greatest leaders of all time have written the pages in history books that you and I read in school. Whether it be someone like Dr. King and President Washington or Lincoln… or someone who had the ability to lead people on a massacre like Charles Manson, or how about Adolf Hitler. There’s a name that almost makes me cringe just saying his name, but the fact is HE TOO had a dream. And he managed to lead an ENTIRE country to believe what he believed, thus causing the most devastating series of hate crimes that almost abolished a culture in its entirety. So as you can see there are good and bad, there are dreams that inspire greatness. And there are dreams that spark magnificent advancements in Technology. You have the great Thomas Edison, who failed a thousand times before he achieved his dream of making a light bulb work, or Alexander Graham Bell who invented the electric voice-transmission device, only later to be called a telephone. Bill Gates is also an example… He managed to dream Microsoft into reality, Or Steve Jobs with Apple Inc. Every single company that is in existence has come from someone’s dreams. In order to achieve your dreams you must put them to work. Write your dreams on paper so you can see them and visualize them. Read and re-read your dreams every day. Post them everywhere. Tell everyone you know about your dreams. Make them reality. When you breathe life into your dreams they become alive. Your dreams become your goals, your goals become your reality, and your dreams do come true. When is the last time you had a dream that inspired you to do something? Have you ever had the same dream over and over and over again? What could that possibly mean? Could it be your subconscious or “your other self”-hinting at you that THIS is what you’re supposed to be doing? That’s how it happens... Dreams are how we communicate with ourselves!!! This very well could be the opportunity that you have been waiting for. In some cases your dreams could be the breakthrough in a project you are already working on. Something you already know but you have forgotten, or you choose to ignore, causing your goals to be stagnate or move in the opposite direction. Take a business owner for example. If you have an employee that is just not getting done what you expect to get done, and no matter how much you explain to them how you want something done it just doesn’t sink in... Then one night you have a dream about your company and its production. You are making more money than you know what to do with and you have more business that you could ever imagine, but in your dream you are the magical piece of the puzzle. You are the one that is getting your hands dirty. You are the key to your company!!! You go to work the next day, roll up your sleeves and you get to work just like you did when you started the company, only now you are working side by side with your employees teaching them and training them, showing them exactly how you do it.. then BAM!!! Your results are exactly what you want! Some people forget the importance of being the key employee … they get complacent and satisfied with the ok money they make. They get comfortable with giving orders to others and having someone else to blame when something goes wrong, they don’t want to take responsibility for it not working . Making them lazy, they lack the drive they had while they were dreaming of the business…while they were ambitious, and when they had the do whatever it takes attitude, back when the only person to blame for failure was YOU. If Donald Trump got lazy what do you think would happen? Or Warren Buffett? Could you imagine if the biggest and most successful people that we know and read about never achieved their dreams? What if no one ever had the dream or desire to achieve more? We would all be in a different place.. Neil Armstrong would not have walked on the moon. Wes Santee would have never ran a mile in under 5 minutes, and Hicham El Guerrouj would never have ran the same exact mile in 3 minutes and 43 seconds. I know people that would not be able to function without their phone or their computers. Could you imagine going back to how things were before we had all the things that have been materialized from a single dream? It takes dreams to create goals, it takes goals to create reality. Become your own Reality, live your own Dreams and accomplish your own Goals.. Because without your dreams, and your goals... Your reality is not really yours. BE AS YOU ARE AND LIVE AS YOU DREAM J.HARPER
Posted on: Thu, 07 Nov 2013 15:37:35 +0000

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