Today I am thankful for my family. My children who drive me crazy - TopicsExpress


Today I am thankful for my family. My children who drive me crazy and fill my heart with love and hope for the future. I am thankful for my mother and papi who support me unconditionally and my sister who always is there when I need an ear. To my husband who spoils me and gives me tons if headaches. To my job because so many dont even have a job. It is a pleasure working with such great woman. I am also thankful for this great country we live in we are not perfect even far from it but we have the liberty to pursuit our happiness and freedom of belief or lack there of. I am great-full for the soldiers that fight everyday in the name of freedom. And lastly I am thankful for all my nieces and nephews through marriage or not we are forever connected and that makes me the luckiest woman in the world. Oops one more for my new soon to be addition I cant wait to meet you baby number three and I know we are still not even half way yet but you light up my life already. Happy Thanksgiving all!
Posted on: Thu, 28 Nov 2013 14:02:34 +0000

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