Today I am writing my fair assessment of my personal journey on my - TopicsExpress


Today I am writing my fair assessment of my personal journey on my Advocare 24 day challenge (which I completed this weekend). But first my pre-Advocare condition must first be established. I have suffered 15 years now with Fibromyalgia/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. This has caused me joint pain, weight gain & extreme exhaustion. For the last 15 years, I have had to nap once to sometimes twice a day because of the fatigue. This fatigue has robbed me of living life to the fullest. I have felt betrayed by my body as the joint pain is more like that of an 80 yr. old than a 55 yr. old person. For the past 15 years I have worked a part-time job with flexible hours. I purposely sought out this type of job so I could work around my Fibromyalgia flare-ups and fatigue. I have felt helpless as Ive tried over and over to lose weight only to see it rise. It seems, to me anyway, that I have to work harder than other people do to achieve even the smallest amount of success. For instance, I joined our local Y.M.C.A. this past fall and have been working out like a mad woman, adjusted my diet and have been following a food tracking app to keep my calorie intake at 1,200 a day. And with all this effort, I have only lost 7 pounds in 7 months! That is one pound a month! Grrr... However, with all the exercise I have built up my endurance and intensity but no weight loss to speak now I am just a rather firm fatty instead of a jiggly one. I have tried so many products and programs so I thought...Why not give Advocare a try? I had seen others use it and get results. My daughter & Son-in-Law have started to sell it and so I thought..they are definately people I can, Im going to give it a try. Here is what my experience was like for me: My first thought was...this 24 day Challenge is a bit costly. I was overwhelmed by the amount of supplements/drinks to take daily. I wondered how a person that worked a full time job could keep up time wise with the daily expectations. Its not called a Challenge for nothing. I know this sounds negative but these were my true feelings. THEN...about day 3.. I realized I hadnt had one nap in those 3 days! I had sustained energy each day without heart palpitations or jitters. I wasnt hungry and actually had to make myself eat! In 3 days I went from being overwhelmed by the amount of supplements, cost and the time to take them, this is wonderful. I want to see what other improvments the rest of the 24 day Challenge will bring :) In the 24 days I only napped 3 of those days (and those were Sunday after church naps that are out of habbit & not exhaustion) I wish I could relay how amazing this is to me. This fact alone has sold me on Advocare. This is near miraculous to the way I had been living. My joint pain also is very minor now. Im pleased at the improvment and am wondering as I continue with Advocare products if this will only improve further with time. I also noticed within the first day or two that there appears to be some sort of appetite suppressant in one of the Advocare products. And to my surprise within the first week I had already lost 2 pounds! I ended up with a total of 5 pound weight loss which doesnt sound like much compared to the success stories of 6-14 pound losses from others on their 24 day Challenge. But remember it took me 7 months to lose 7 pounds. So losing 5 pounds in 3 weeks is wonderful news to me! I probably couldve done better too because at first I messed up my supplement taking and didnt follow the enclosed diet recommendations as directed until about mid way through the second week. There is no magic bullet in weight loss. You must exercise and follow a sensible diet using portion control. Advocare wont do this part for you. However, the energy it gave and the appetite suppressant I felt with it, has given me the tools to be successful in weight loss. And I plan on continuing with the Advocare weight loss products until I reach my goal. I plan on continuing with the Advocare health products because they appear to be working! I can tailor my on going plan to my needs. Advocare is not just about weight loss. If you dont need to lose a pound, there are health products. If you are looking to build muscle and to be toned and cut..they have products in this area for you. So, was the cost and time it took to do the challenge worth it? YES! And Im not saying this because my kids are selling it. Im saying it because it works! I feel better, Im finally losing weight. And Ive seen it work for many others.
Posted on: Sun, 27 Jul 2014 23:04:53 +0000

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