Today I celebrate Freedom and Independence. I celebrate the - TopicsExpress


Today I celebrate Freedom and Independence. I celebrate the Freedom and Independence to speak my what is on my mind. The Freedom and Independence to watch, listen to and read whatever I so desire. I celebrate the Independents in the world of music, writing, filmed entertainment, philosophy, history and science. Those who go against the grain, because without that Freedom and Independence, everything we watch, listen to and learn would all be just the same. I celebrate the Freedom and Independence of the press. I can choose to follow the foreign, independent and alternative media, to shape my own opinion if I choose. Instead of having my opinion shaped for me if I choose to follow the left or right wing media. I celebrate the Independence to practice, study and follow any religion I so choose. Whether I choose to follow the teachings of Jesus, the Prophet Muhammad, Buddha, Moses, the Flying Spaghetti Monster or whomever I choose. I have the Independence to do so. I celebrate the Independents in Politics. Those who usually go against the grain and serve the interests of the American people, not the path of their usually biased political parties and not the special interests of Corporations and Industries. I celebrate the Freedom and Independence to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. I have a right to tell them that I do not like what they are doing and they can not retaliate or punish me for it. Because I have the Freedom and Independence to do so. I have the Freedom and Independence to criticize my Government in any form of media as well. So on this Independence Day and every Independence Day forward, I choose to stand up and not to stand down. I choose to stand up for my Freedom and Independence, because I have the right to do so as afforded to me in the Constitution and Bill of Rights. In America most don’t choose to stand up against the corrupt and greedy relationship between corporations and government, like they have been doing overseas, they choose to stand down. But they have the Freedom and Independence to do so. So it is important that today and every Independence Day, that I celebrate the Freedom and Independence of others as well as my own. Here in America, we need more Independents, not Dependents. We need more Independent Thinkers, Musicians, Politicians, Writers, Artists, Philosophers, Historians Scientists and Journalists. With access to more Independent entertainment, points of view and options, that leaves us open to a variety of this spice which we call life. Without that variety, we would have nothing new. We would not have the mavericks, the innovators and the rebels, those who dare to be different. We need more of those people who always make our country and our world a unique and interesting place. Once you open your eyes and your mind, you open yourself up to all of the possibilities and you are truly free. Celebrate our Freedom and our Independence, hopefully while we still have it.. Alex Lowery https://facebook/CorporationsUnitedCitizensDivided https://facebook/itistimetowakeupamerica
Posted on: Thu, 04 Jul 2013 22:43:38 +0000

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