Today I feel compelled to share my gratitude with you all. Not - TopicsExpress


Today I feel compelled to share my gratitude with you all. Not that I havent felt gratitude since the beginning of May! I am very shy, but Im coming out of my shell :) Maybe a month ago I couldnt quite articulate what I wanted in my present life and especially didnt know how I could get it. But I knew I wanted to feel safe, loved, free ad authentic as I always have wanted. The weight of the after-math of my earlier life has always followed me emotionally, and impacted every other aspect of my life whether emotionally or otherwise. It has been my daily intention to get myself together and also have a more positive impact on my surroundings and environment. Recently, I had been approached by my uncle to help me go back to school and finish my college diploma, as I just couldnt afford it on my own. I dropped out of my theatre program 2 years ago due to my anxiety and depression that impacted me beyond what I felt I could control. Now I have a chance to return to school in a creative arts program where I get to explore my creativity further and be surrounded by artists like myself. Because of the classes I completed in theatre, I can complete the program in only a year. What a blessing! At first I was stressed about how I would deal financially, since I will no longer have the freedom to take any contract. Yes, I would get some help, but I still am expected and expect myself to have some independence. I had been thinking for a while of taking a part time job at my favorite raw vegan restaurant ;). The other day I was working a contract the at a trade show, and my colleague I had worked with a few times prior mentioned to me that her sister happened to be the manager at one of the locations, and even offered to check with her for openings. Its crazy how the universe works. My salsa dance team and I debuted our first choreography this weekend in Quebec, and although there were some minor mishaps, we still all looked beautiful and did amazing for our first show on a slightly defective stage! :p Today is just full of good news and I feel so grateful. A ballroom teacher that I had the chance to work with at my old dance school contacted me today and asked for me to join her schools staff. She offered to further train me in ballroom in exchange for my assistance in her classes and availability to work paid events with her team. Even my costumes, hair and makeup wil be covered for performances. I cant afford more training these days and was looking for a flexible job I enjoyed, so I am ever ever grateful and I feel so lucky!! My boyfriend and I decided we needed to move to a cheaper place, and although staying in a 2 bedroom would have been nice, we were fine with downgrading to 1 bedroom. Yesterday we noticed our neighboring building had a lower level 4 1/2 for rent so I gave the landlord a ring, went to see the apartment, and it was BEAUTIFUL! Exactly like ours, only better! And cheaper! There is even straight access to the grass by 2 patio doors for me to keep my organic plant pots :) I had my worries that my current landlord might give him a bad review because of late payments and the smell of our mary jane (oops!) but she told my bf she will give him a good review. Now all I have to hope for is that we can rent out my current apartment and have the new landlord agree to look past some iffy credit history by offering post dated checks. But I have faith everything will work itself out. I am sending my gratitude and good vibes to the universe! Even if I wanted a kitten and there are no pets allowed in the apartment. That is ok! :p I cannot express how grateful I am. I am so happy. I feel that I am finally in control and on the right path. Just a few months ago i was in a rut with no plan, being lonely and depressed. Now I am reaching out to the world, to people, learning not to focus on the bad things when they happen (because everything happens for a reason) and be forever grateful for all the good that does happen. Im in awe. Im astonished at how the universe will respond to you positively when you respond to it the same. And tomorrow I will go to my yoga practice recovered from my cold and in full gratitude. Especially since I am there thanks to my dear friend giving me her 1 month gift certificate. :) I dont even know how to express my abundance of joy anymore. Ill leave it at that for today! ♥♥♥♥♥♥
Posted on: Wed, 07 May 2014 01:09:14 +0000

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