Today I gardened in peace and quiet in my front yard with the two - TopicsExpress


Today I gardened in peace and quiet in my front yard with the two boys sleeping inside...then I moved to the back yard and expectantly waited to hear the thundering paws of the boys...but none approached. Soon, I thought. And then I was lost in my garden again. Over an hour past and my rumbling stomach told me it was past dinner time. Where where my fur babies? Why werent they keeping me company by digging up my newly positioned plants, eating my sunflowers as they gazed deeply into my eyes daring me to forbid them? I calmly wandered inside to find one fur baby sleeping under the coffee table...where was my big red fur baby? I call his name, no response. My heart is thundering...did I close the gate? Yes. I hunt every corner of my garden, calling. I check the shed...not the first time hes accidently been locked in there! Not under the couch. Calling. Fear and panic are welling inside me. I remember hearing a planitive woof earlier...hes stuck somewhere. Again I check both sheds. Scooting inside to grab my keys to begin the road search. Theres my baby, happily wagging his tail. The hall door had closed behind him, shutting him in the front hallway! Relief.
Posted on: Fri, 16 Jan 2015 07:54:28 +0000

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