Today I had a snap chat with someone I grew up to look at as an - TopicsExpress


Today I had a snap chat with someone I grew up to look at as an elder. We share the same Mormon faith and until today I always believed his sense of judgment. he follows me on social media and finally decided to talk about politics with me. A minute into the conversation he accused the United States of America to have taken the Ebola virus to Sierra Leone. And secondly he said Maada Bio personally commands 38% of the Sierra Leonean voting population. Even when I tried to reason with him, he was firm in his ignorance. First, I want to make this known to my fellow Sierra Leoneans that the Government and People of the United States of America bear no hands in the failures of our political system that made it easier for the Ebola virus to spread. What really will be the motive and benefit of spreading a deadly virus like that to Sierra Leone? Why wouldnt America take such virus to Syria which played so much hand in derailing Americas efforts during the Iraqi invasion? Why wouldnt America take such deadly virus to Palestine to reduce the population of Hamas and its supporters or to Lebanon to minimize the ranks of Hezbollah? Now I know for sure that democracy has its own self limitation, not limitation imposed by government, but ignorance to which some people cling to with all their might. Fellow Sierra Leoneans Americans as a people are benevolent and want every nation to live in peace and prosper. They may not hesitate to brake your neck if you act as a threat to their security and prosperity, but they will never conquer or send evil to such innocent people like Sierra Leone. America want us to live in peace, have good leaders that can provide the atmosphere for every Sierra Leonean to prosper so they can sell their goods to us and come on vacation trips to Sierra Leone. They are a hardworking people and want life to be peaceful and enjoyable. If I were a leader today, I will make America my greatest ally. No nation has prospered without America and her allies. Secondly, anyone who holds the view that Maada Bio commands 38% of the Sierra Leonean voting population is what former AFRC spokesman Alieu sesay will call languishing under disastrous illusion Bio got 38% of the total votes cast in the last elections but does that mean all those who voted for BIO did so personally because of him? Only insincere people like BIO and his power thirsty clique will think that way. Now have you thought of it that BIOs vote in the last elections comprised of all the supporters of Banadette Lahai, JOB, Alie Bangura, Andrew Keili, Bobson Sesay, and all those who BIO is not getting along with in the SLPP? Ok here is another inference. In the last elections all SLPP parliamentarians voted for BIO in the general elections, but have they all voted in favour of BIOs infamous coup plot against Bernadette Lahai? Certainly not even half of SLPP parliamentarians could join BIO and his guys in such disgraceful act. BIO has been much of a problem in the SLPP than a solution. There were divisions in the SLPP but BIO has magnified those cleavages, enlarged them and almost reaching an irreconcilable situation. The truth is I dont hate BIO, and I love the party more than him. Last night I also spoke to a friend that knows almost all that went through in the NPRC. He admired my courage to speak out, and even confessed that he always knew I wont get along with the BIO camp because as an elite my way of doing things can never find harmony in what BIO stands for. I love Sierra Leone. I love my people and it is my daily prayer that I become a blessing to them by helping attract big manufacturing companies to Sierra Leone so my folks can get jobs and make purchases that will get them their necessities. Today, checking my business news before leaving for work I read about how United Biscuits (UB) was put up for sale by its private equity owners Blackstone and PAI Partners.The first thing that came to my mind was if there was any Sierra Leonean that was worth 2billion UK pounds. Imagine, UB employs about 7,100 people, with 4,600 in the UK at sites including London, Manchester, Carlisle, Glasgow, Halifax and Liverpool. If Sierra Leoneans have 200 hundred of such manufacturing companies, I am sure we will be the paradise of AFrica. Do I see such vision in BIO? Absolutely not. If the man cannot come to New York, the financial nerve of the world I wonder how he going to bring prosperity to Sierra Leone. Few days ago when Hon. Alpha Timbo was in the USA we visited numerous multi-billion investors. I mean people who can light up the entire Sierra Leone in one year, or have manufacturing plants that could make mass production so we can sell and compete with other global firms. And our meeting boiled down to two things. First, fight and end Ebola. second, have a president that we can trust with our money. Now, fellow Sierra Leoneans if America can not trust Maada Bio to come to their country, do you think they can trust him with their money? The choice is ours in the SLPP. We can choose the path that leads to party disintegration and sure defeat or we can plead with BIO that our destinies are worth more than his political ambition.
Posted on: Mon, 03 Nov 2014 19:35:04 +0000

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