Today I had my 6 monthly endocrine check today. Mixed news. Quach - TopicsExpress


Today I had my 6 monthly endocrine check today. Mixed news. Quach had a trainee with him today so that was a bit of fun watching his "yes but your patient is not a textbook" from him. Lipids are perfect. B12 and iron studies are stable so he considers it to be normal for me even though its slightly lower than "normal" Diabetes is perfect as always. Trainee was a bit pissed I dont keep a diary and forgot my meter (hey, Id had 3 hours sleep she was lucky I was speaking english) but Quach knows me well enough by now not to worry about it. Calcium has stabilised, albeit at what would be considered semi-critically low. But Im asymptomatic except for mild AF. Trainee wanted to increase my caltrate but thats a flat no. Twelve a day is not only excessive, its expensive. So then she wanted to increase my Activated vitamin D then realised Im on a pretty damned high dose already and my phosphate is already 2.4. Given, not as high as it has been, but still theres no reason to push our luck with it. TSH however is being a pain in the ass. Why cant I have both be normal? As soon as I stabilised the Calcium, this one packs up. So now up to 500mcg thyroxine per day, then more bloods in 2 weeks and monthly for 4 months. On the upside, he has officially diagnosed malabsorption syndrome, and he is still querying coeliacs, though since I nolonger eat wheat or yeast (as much as possible - Im not completely gluten free), he cannot get a proper diagnosis because the antibody levels are sub-diagnostic. But if the bloating and pain starts again, he is sending me to Gastroenterology to have it sorted once and for all. So far low-FODMAP and low-wheat for the win! And I got his blessing to see an exercise physiologist YAAAY! But if anyone else has had trouble stabilising TSH after a total thyroidectomy, do you have any tips? I already take it on an empty stomach and wait over 2 hours before eating. I take my non-caltrate meds with it because I have no other choice if I want them to work, because caltrate will inactivate ALL of them. One hell of a balancing act.
Posted on: Thu, 22 Aug 2013 11:32:45 +0000

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