Today, I had to implement assigned seats. I was really hoping to - TopicsExpress


Today, I had to implement assigned seats. I was really hoping to go the whole year without it, but there are some new students on my bus that feel they dont have to behave and sit while the bus is moving. Ive pulled over multiple times a route, given multiple warnings and warned them assigned seats would be coming if they didnt follow the safety rules. I had a new this year student standing up on my bus last week and I was on a highway with no place safe to pull over so I made eye contact with him and shook my head no. He smiled and me and shook his head yes. I repeatedly told him to sit and he refused to listen. As soon as I turned onto a gravel road and could pull off, I did. He still refused to sit down until I refused to move the bus. Finally, the other kids yelling at him did the trick and I informed them that theyd have assigned seats by Monday. I forgot them yesterday, but remembered today. Most of them are assigned where they normally sit anyway, but I moved some of the problem causers and seated them all a little closer to the front. Today, that same boy threw a fit when he saw the tags and I told him to find his seat. Then, he proceeded to be even worse than last week. I was getting after him and missed a stop (the big kid doesnt ride a lot and was down in his seat so I didnt see him) so I had to turn around in an a farm drive. It was narrow and took me a few corrections, but we got turned around and went on our way. The whole time, this kid was making fun of me and then, got bold enough to smart off to me directly. I told him he needed to sit and and be more respectful or he would be sitting in the front seat the rest of the week. (This was all of 10 minutes, if that, into my pm route!) The rest of the way home (hes third stop from the end of the route) he was disruptive, out of his seat and even flipped me off pretending to scratch his face and rub his cheek. When he got off the bus and I told him to have a good afternoon, he was was the most pleasant person. ?!?!?!?! Tomorrow, I will be having a chat with him when he boards the bus bus and it will be his last warning for his behavior or hell be in the front seat for awhile so he can learn proper manners. Wouldnt be the first student I had to teach manners to, and probably wont be the last. Hes acting out for attention, and riding in the front seat, I can talk with him and get to know him. When Ive done that with students, they learn from it and usually turn out to be some of my best behaved bus babies. Anyone else come across kids like this? Im sure you have. What do you do to correct the behavior aside from writing them up? Writing kids up where I work now does nothing to them and then, theyre even worse because they got away with it.
Posted on: Wed, 24 Sep 2014 01:35:12 +0000

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