Today I have drawn ..........The Hanged Man............ In the - TopicsExpress


Today I have drawn ..........The Hanged Man............ In the you now position. The Hanged Man, generally shows that you are at a crossroads in your life and may have to stand back and look carefully at all the issues involved, or it may mean that you simply need to get out of the rut that you’re in. You are confused about what you want to do, or you may find yourself very much wanting to do something, but have no idea how to do it. The Hanged Man may also be saying to you, that you are ready to give up on a bad influence in your life, but really think clearly here, have others really manipulated you, or have you chosen to be a victim? Have you felt like being rejected in all walks of life? If thats the case, you need to regroup with yourself, you need to look at the situations that have been in your life, be it good or bad, right or wrong and learn from them. Then you can become your true self once more. In general. Its possible that there is an outdated attitude you are holding on to, or a wish that you want, but now you need to let go of them. All in all, this should be a thoughtful, reflective time, particularly if you are willing to look at your situation and decide how you might best serve your own interests, through a willingness to change. The Hanged Man, is saying that it is time to let go of emotional baggage and that you will soon be released from any pain or emotional hurt, because you are opening your mind to living for the moment, not for the past. In work. Nothing much may seem to be happening for you and you may well be sick of it. This is a great time to figure out if there is anything that you personally can do about it, if this is the case and if there is no action that you can take at the moment, then try not to take the slowness of the wheels of change personally. Things will change for you. It just may not happen the way you want it to happen. Relax, or else look for different work. The psychological side of this is saying to you, do exactly the opposite of what you are thinking is right to do and you will gain positive results. For example, you might be dying to ask your manager about the new job vacancy which has just come up, but youre terrified he or she will turn you down. When you draw The Hanged Man, its more likely youll be given the opportunity to apply for the job, without even asking about it. The more you want something, the more you have to give up on the wanting and then it will happen. In love. Again, the theme here can be one of letting go. Letting go of an unattainable person or lover for example, when you let go of this fantasy or dream, you are constantly having about someone, this could bring about the possibility that someone that you can be with, will step into your life. But that is only one example. You may need to let go of a vision of a particular kind of relationship, or infatuation, as being the only way that you can be happy. If youre in a long-term relationship, it too may well be at a very difficult place or a crossroads. If you think your relationship is amazing and fabulous, you need to look at it and be sure to find out where your partner is and what do they really what out of this relationship, you need to know the truth. In finances. If things are bad and very tight at this moment in your life, this is an important time for you to open up the flow of prosperity, by giving away some of what you have, even if all you have is a bit of bread. If thats the case, know that there will be someone nearby who would probably give their right arm to share that bit of bread with you. Find them and share it. Something as simple as this may start the Wheels of Fortune, turning to bring your prosperity and abundance back into your life. In health. You may change your mind radically, about something that you think is wrong with you physically. Dont ignore everything your doctor has told you, but do give it some deep thought, do some research which will give you more information and understanding. Its possible that something you thought you understood, could best be treated in another way. Your health improves, but its a process. In spirituality. Its very important now to let go of any negative, self-limiting beliefs, that you have been holding on to. Remember the idea of the self-fulfilling prophesy, foretelling of the future is saying to you, be very careful about what you allow yourself to say or think about in life. Make sure the prophecies you are making about your life, bear some resemblance to the life you really wish to have and to see. Be very careful what you WISH for!...........How do you feel right now? Do you feel good? Do you feel bad? What are your current emotions? What is your gut feeling? Would you like to feel better? Then reach for a better feeling or thought. If you feel bad in any way, be it, sad,grumpy, bitter, resentful, angry, fearful, guilty, depressed, jealous, critical and so on. Then you’ve temporarily lost your connection to the flow of good experiences that the Universe has waiting for you. You must not wait any longer, don’t waste your thoughts on blame, no person, place, or thing, has any control over your feelings, because they can’t think your thoughts. This is also why you really have no control over others, you see you can’t control their thought’s. No one can control another, unless that person gives permission. You can take control over your own thinking and thought’s. It’s the only thing you have total control over. What you choose to think in thought, is what you’ll get in life……..xxxx
Posted on: Sun, 16 Mar 2014 13:48:36 +0000

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