Today I have received the affirmation, for what I knew, all along! - TopicsExpress


Today I have received the affirmation, for what I knew, all along! That the breed of ‘Jew haters’ can be disguised, yet never be hidden for long. Some of those that hold undo resentment towards my people, are actually married to a Jew, some have Jewish friends. Nevertheless, what I have witnessed today, eliminate this line of defense, from all those who despise me and my people for no other reason but, for being a Jew. So please allow me to address this open letter to my employer. Today, you - yes you, the owner of the company for which I work for, the boss. The one that supposed to compose himself, took the liberty to discuss, at my present, loud and clear, the fact that your ‘filthy rich Jew’ friends, asked you for a free favor. Well, through the course of your conversation with the manager, you repeated, with sickening passion, the phrase ‘filthy rich Jews’ in a super degrading tone. Well, surprised I was not, as when I addressed with you, previously, the racist nasty repeated remarks that were directed towards me and my religion, by an employee at your company, not only that you arrogantly rebuffed me, and ridiculed me, but went further beyond, and attempted to portray me as the ‘bad breed’. So I hereby advise you my dear boss of the following - As much as my people are portrayed as ‘filthy rich’ we are also ‘filthy smart’. Much smarter than what your ‘filthy rich spoiled’ character can ever comprehend. So when I confronted you calmly, and advised you that I took offense to what you said, and requested an apology, not only on my behalf, but most importantly on behalf of your Jewish wife and my people and you did apologize and I accepted; I also ensured that our conversation was recorded, forever to stay!! Dear boss, you see, ‘filthy rich’ I am not, rather in your eyes, I might be the ‘filthy poor Jew’ yet, I am considered ‘filthy smart’ and as kind as I am, I now have sixty plus reasons to break this silence and speak up. I have sixty plus precious angels, of my people - the innocent Israeli soldiers who sacrificed their lives to ensure, that not only the safety of my people is well maintained, but the safety of your spoiled rich brat character. So allow me to clarify, that through the course of my roller coaster existence as your employee, I swallowed the ‘bitter pill’ of your arrogance, resentment and discriminatory approach, yet, despite it all, I always ensured to serve the best interest of your business, with full integrity, because we, the ‘Jews’ are not only ‘filthy rich’ but also hold the highest ethics, unlike other ‘filthy rich’ people that I know. So it is time for you to fully comprehend, the notion with which I was raised, as a little Jewish girl in Jerusalem. My father advised me to never take others for fools, to always respect, because as smart as we might think we are, the ‘fool’ that stands in front of us, might be tons smarter than what our ‘ego’ can ever comprehend. Well, dear Mr. Boss, you happened to employ one, at your company, one that bears a heart of gold, yet a mind clearer than what your bloated and distorted ego can ever bear – this ‘fool’ is no other that me. And yes, one last thing, I will not sue you, as I am certain G-d’s court’s proceeding and judgment will fit better, as my G-d bears a tear, full of anger, as he watches people like you. Respectfully signed – A proud Jew Sheila 8/6/14
Posted on: Thu, 07 Aug 2014 00:56:55 +0000

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