Today I invite you in Starting a Mantra Practice: Although you - TopicsExpress


Today I invite you in Starting a Mantra Practice: Although you can chant a mantra anytime and experience a certain degree of its effects, a 40 day practice of reciting a mantra 108 times each day (ideally morning and night) is recommended. In many religions and spiritual traditions, it takes 40 days to break an old mode of consciousness and experience a shift. And 108 corresponds to the number of nadis – channels through which spiritual energy flows and connects with the chakras. So, chanting a mantra 108 times for 40 days helps the essence of the sacred sound to become part of your consciousness on all levels. To help keep count, you can get a 108 bead mala (prayer/meditations beads) at spiritual stores or yoga and meditation studios. Write your intention for your chosen mantra on a piece of paper and refer to it often during your 40 day practice to connect with your goal. Set your alarm to remind you of your chant time, and maybe even create a special physical space where you can practice privately. As for specific mantras, there are thousands available, but here are a few that are simple enough to chant while offering powerful results: 1. So Hum: The “I Am All That Is” mantra that connects your consciousness with Divine consciousness. Chant “So” on the in breath and “hum” on the out breath. 2. Ahem Prema: Meaning, “I am Divine Love”, chant this to experience your essential nature as a being of love and to become the very embodiment and emanation of pure love. 3. Shreem : The seed sound of abundance – repeat as much as possible to attract wealth and abundance. 4. Om Shanti Om: The mantra of peace – repeat to experience inner and outer peace and harmony. 5. Wahe Guru: Known as the mantra of ecstasy and widely practiced in Kundalini yoga – chanting this mantra elevates and uplifts the spirit. 6. Ra Ma Da Sa Sa Say So Hung: The eight sounds stimulate the life force energy within the central column of the spine to elicit healing. 7. Om Mani Padme Hum: The most beloved and widely practiced mantra in Buddhism, this powerful chant unites the mind and heart and brings about deep compassion for all. Practicing this mantra is also said to heal and uplift the state of the world. Developing a mantra practice is a wonderful way to connect with your spirit on a daily basis as it lets you take a much needed break from your daily busyness and re-center. And if the practice works as the Vedic gurus’ say, you might just enjoy some transformative inner and outer benefits as sweet fruits of your daily labor. Ahhhhhhhh…now doesn’t that sound just Divine? Namaste – The Divine within me honors and bows to the Divine within you. day
Posted on: Tue, 01 Apr 2014 20:23:17 +0000

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