Today, I lend an immense solidarity to the local protesters in my - TopicsExpress


Today, I lend an immense solidarity to the local protesters in my community. They exemplified by the beauty of a peaceful protest in a community geographically far from Ferguson. Why do we all care, as so many ask? Because we understand that humanity is one organism depending upon every life, so a tear staining the face of our brother, no matter his or her color, is a tear running upon the face of humanity. Thusly, we mourn all lives that are lost to the unjust profiling brutality of impetuous judgment. This includes the tragic loss of the lives of two NYPD officers for whom we must mourn as the human family. But why can we not mourn the lives of lost future, dreams, hopes, of unarmed black men without them being called “thugs” or “having it coming”? Can we ever justify the death of an unarmed, gentle souls, the anticipating eyes of a child staring upon the blank expanse of their future ungarnered by regrets of the past and still unstained with the darkened streaks of ignorance? We care because regardless of our color, we are a human family who can only be truly free when the machine of hate does not choke out one soul with its rancid breath. We can only be truly free when every tongue may toll that sweet song of liberty from the depressed ashcan poverty shacks to the staggering peaks of the Rockies. When one weeping voice is silence choked out, we as humanity cannot breathe, for his or her life is inextricably tied to the life of the human organism. Our hands went up in vain search of a future, scrambling for life when Mike Brown tossed his hands up. Humanity was found to be scant of breath when Eric Garner screamed in silence for the most basic right of humanity: breath. As long as we have breathe in our lungs and ink in our pens, we must speak for these who cannot. Our families all mourned the loss of Officers Liu and Ramos, for they too are members of the human family. AS the darkness of hateful violence embitters the land through profiling and judgment, we must remember that we either live in freedom together or die in bondage divided. The dawning day of liberty’s full-wondered sun upon our darkened land of violence allows every chained, cheated, and downtrodden soul to bask in its glory, and through this glory we discover the glory for which the Son of Man died. If all voices are not heard, that crucifixion loses is irrepressible spirit of hope, for unless every trembling hand and bloodied hand is held in compassionate solidarity, we live not in hope but in slavery to the machine, not in liberty, but in the prison of self. Love is the only force stronger than the walls of spiteful hate, because the only way to build a better world is to grasp the broke-down, searching hands of the fallen world and raise them in victorious love. We can only ascend the mountains of division together, as brothers, through love. We care because we are human, and every loss of life weakens our lumbering steps toward human dignity. Every death of every color makes every member of the human family shudder with the loss of pain. When one dove in the human choir is trapped by silence, the song rising over the plains of stagnant forests is not a drumming of hope but a weeping of silence. The media can say that it was a small protest, and those silenced by hateful racism may think it is a moment, but the beautiful tapestry of varying colors, voices, and backgrounds knows that this is the movement which propels souls through the valley of the Shadow, the Israelites out of bondage, American slaves to the dawning day of freedom, Dr. King to that promissory note of justice and now drives forth many people of differing races to seek that our colored brothers and sisters are treated with the dignity, love, and righteousness to which they are entitled. Through peace, we may create it, and through love, we may create That too. . . #ThisStopsToday #ICantBreathe #StolenLives
Posted on: Thu, 25 Dec 2014 19:13:39 +0000

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