Today I like to work with Chakras, one at the time. The Chakra - TopicsExpress


Today I like to work with Chakras, one at the time. The Chakra word is Sanskrit and means an Energy Wheel or Vortex. It is been said that each chakra rotates differently, clockwise or counter clockwise. .But I wont bother you with that, either way how the chakra rotates is fine. I like to keep it simple. We are talking about the 7 Major Chakras, but I like to warn you, there is way more, actually it is infinite. But than again, for us humans and animals and plants (yup they have a chakra system too) alike, the 7 chakras are enough to work with and to understand it how vital a healthy chakra system should be for us to live not only a healthy life but also an abundant life too, on all levels!!! Lets get started. The first chakras name in Sanskrit is called Muladhara. But it is also known as the Root or Base Chakra. This chakra symbolizes the pure existence of a human being like: -physical energy -grounded -survival instinct -material needs (like housing, food, security) -procreation The Location of the first chakra is at the base of the spine between anus and the genitals. The endocrine gland are the ADRENALS and the color of this chakra is RED. The Crystals and Gemstones to us for balancing this chakra are: -CORAL -RUBY -GARNET-BLOODSTONE Just to name a few. If you feel energetically low, perhaps are on the recovery of an illness, using these crystals or gemstones are very helpful. But if you dont have them, dont panic, you certainly will have something in red to wear or at least will have something in the color red, like a pillow. You could place the pillow directly on your lower abdomen or even sit on it for about 15 minutes. the vibration of the color will respond to the first chakra. I also love to work with Aura Soma essence. No: 89 comes into my mind is very good to work with. My favorite however is Meditation and there is tons of chakra music on You tube to be found. Try it out: https://youtube/watch?v=F7EINp61HyU There is way more to be said but I hope this very brief introduction will give you some ideas to do your own research. Stay tuned for the Second Chakra.
Posted on: Fri, 05 Dec 2014 12:43:59 +0000

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