Today I lost someone very special. My Nanny passed away. Its been - TopicsExpress


Today I lost someone very special. My Nanny passed away. Its been a very hard last few years for my family; watching her light fade was the worst thing that life has ever thrown at me. I was her only grandson and we bonded very strongly from a very early age. In fact, my earliest memory is of the two of us going to buy Adventures of Link for the NES. We would play it for hours and hours at a time! I can remember bragging to my elementary school friends that my Nanny played Nintendo (and was awesome at it). I was always proud of her, but she was always beyond proud of me. There was never a time that I stopped by for a stay or a quick visit when she didnt stop me on my way out the door, take my shoulders in her hands, look me right in the eye and tell me that she was so proud of me. She supported me in every way, shape, and form, from sewing my costumes for my 3rd grade plays to picking me up in the early morning and driving me to Pokemon tournaments throughout my middle school years. She was always game for whatever would make me the happiest, whether it be a picnic and a hike at Honor Heights Park or a ridiculous new movie playing at the mall. Such a huge part of me seems to be missing now... but Im happy and proud to carry our best memories forward. She was extraordinary and she will be missed so so much!
Posted on: Fri, 18 Jul 2014 19:47:30 +0000

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