Today I mailed out a bear to a mom who lost her son due to HG. I - TopicsExpress


Today I mailed out a bear to a mom who lost her son due to HG. I thought i would take it as an opportunity to remind moms, yes morning sickness is normal, HG is not. I suffered through it with all 5 of my pregnancies and it was hell. I threw up 30+ times a day, lost so much weight, couldnt even drink water, and was throwing up blood steady. I was told over and over it was morning sickness, even by my Dr. Sadly I never pushed for better care and it cost our first daughter Paige her life. If you are expecting or will be, learn the signs of HG, be active in your prenatal care. Its so much more them just little morning sickness. And yes dealing with HG for literally months, being on bed rest and missing so much my kids were doing was miserable & hell, but as moms we would do it again if it could get a healthy baby but that does not mean we should settle for care
Posted on: Tue, 28 Oct 2014 19:37:53 +0000

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