Today I met this old man and he asked me if could spare some - TopicsExpress


Today I met this old man and he asked me if could spare some dimes...He asked me with such decency,truth and dignity.He was someone like you and me but old and unwanted,walking among the people in his loneliness.I gave him some dimes and I felt his hand was shaking the shake of Parkinson..He needed the little money.I for one didnt help him much nor do I have any sort of illusion that I did.He will go on walking old and unwanted... Yesterday a little kitten approached as I was walking to the stationerys.She needed a hug,a human touch and so I did.I tried to take her to some safe side of the road but she kept coming to me.I couldnt take her home as I have one cat and one dog already.Today as I was driving on this same road in our neighbourhood I saw her dead in the middle of the road.A car must have hit her...It cost me a lot... She needed to be wanted and loved having been thrown away by her keepers and just like the old man she was lonely and unwanted... December 20,2014...
Posted on: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 23:12:30 +0000

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