Today, I operated an elderly lady, who had a fracture of elbow - TopicsExpress


Today, I operated an elderly lady, who had a fracture of elbow because of trauma on 17th Jan.... She(from a respected family) was living alone here in Patna, after her husbands death and her children are happily married and settled outside..... Right after her fracture, she was compelling me to get herself operated,,, and I was pursuing her ,,, let one of her relative come,, so that there is somebody to take responsibility. Finally her daughter could get leave from her organization and landed yesterday in Patna..... Excitement of the elderly lady has to be seen to get believed.... Today, I operated her,,,,,Daughter was happy,,,,, The next question was,,, How early, her mother can recover?????? because the girl,,, was not getting leave from her office for long....... Money was not the problem,,, but TIME was the problem... all the while ,,, I was thinking ------- Will the condition will be the same for people like me also,, in the later years?????? The way,,,, lifestyle is changing,,, Nuclear family is the reality,,,,, people keeping themselves self centered,,,,,more of stress,,,, work pressure,,,Less of humanity,,,, selfish attitude,,,, and the feeling of I super seeding WE -------- Then,,, who will be available to take care in time of distress?????? ------- May be we all will be in the same boat as this respected lady,,,,, This is the reality of Life... Lets all have very good understanding with our neighbors , Love and respect for them..... Try to help others always,,, So that people are around at time of need.... and nobody will be left uncared......
Posted on: Wed, 21 Jan 2015 11:41:13 +0000

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