Today I played cricket for the village...during my time in the - TopicsExpress


Today I played cricket for the village...during my time in the middle (thats batting...) I listened to a stream of verbiage from the oppositions wicketkeeper/captain that left me feeling that the full weight of social media should be brought to bear on his inanity, his stupidity, his swede-bashery and his ugly-mugged boorishness...after all he saw fit to refer to one of my team-mates as c*nt and was, eventually unable to restrain himself from addressing me in a rude and demeaning way...So Ive decided to dedicate a regular section of my social media output to his idiocy. Look out for posts about THE KEEPER. If these posts go viral then all to the good...if they eventually reach his dull large-foreheaded Neanderthal-ness then all the better, although I doubt that someone who has to spend so much time listening to the stump-microphone during professional cricket has much time to have friends. Ultimately Im a great believer that bullying is the preserve of the very worst kind of sad, weak dont consider my future posts to be be bullying (please)..more that the record needs to be set straight, that a bully and a rude man should be answered and shown up for what an unpleasant cricketer he is. Should the KEEPER prevail, then young players will give up the game and there will, eventually be no game. So, KEEPER, this is you....
Posted on: Sat, 05 Jul 2014 21:59:00 +0000

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