Today I pray that you can Release, Revive, Repair, and Rebuild in - TopicsExpress


Today I pray that you can Release, Revive, Repair, and Rebuild in any and all areas of your life: Ezra declared seven prophetic promises of God to His people, which I believe God declares over us today: 1) A season of Grace and Favor: We live in a season of grace. Speak His grace into your business, your home and family and your individual life. Why should you settle for anything less? Expect breakthrough, blessing and opportunity to show up in your everyday life. 2) Gods Tangible presence clearly evident: Ezra spoke about a stake in Gods Holy place. Today, through Jesus we can enter boldly into the Throneroom of His presence and grace. God has promised His continual presence with us, not just in church during worship, but in our life. Wherever you find yourself - in the marketplace, workplace - believe for an overwhelming sense of Gods presence in your circumstances. 3) A clear way forward: When we align our lives with Gods Word and His ways, the future opens up with hope and expectation. 4) Great testimonies of miraculous salvations: We all have a story. And no one has walked too far, done too much, or is too far gone for the love of Christ. The days we are living in are days for harvest, and I believe that as we each live out our own salvation, we will see testimonies of miraculous conversion in the lives of our family, friends, neighbours and colleagues. 5) Divine favour with people: Just like Ruth in the Bible, when you walk with God and in His grace, you will find unexpected favour from people and places. 6) A commitment to wholeness and personal revival: Be strong in your spirit and refuse to live mediocre lives. God has made everything we will ever need available to us to live an overcoming and successful life if we will take hold of it by faith. 7) Fresh Passion to see His House built: Just as Ezra had a passion to build Gods House, determine in your heart that you will make the House of God a priority in your life. We are living stones, the fabric of His Church and our contribution an commitment to it is the key to living a blessed life. Declare these promises over your future today. #trustHisprocess#
Posted on: Sun, 23 Mar 2014 21:10:18 +0000

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