Today, I recalled witnessing the behavior of a five year old boy, - TopicsExpress


Today, I recalled witnessing the behavior of a five year old boy, who, like many children his age, during school recess loved to play in the sandbox building castles and tunnels. When the bell would ring for all the students to line up and re-enter their respective classrooms, he just ignored it, and kept on building... quietly, happily, full of blissful contentment.... If he were not discovered by wandering personnel and brought back to the class, he would himself eventually walk back to the homeroom on his own... where he then faced discipline... But the little boy maintained his daily ritual of ignoring the bell, continuing to build imaginary cities, fortifications, and of course, castles. Eventually, he was even sent to the principals office, where I recall corporeal punishment, which was allowed in the barbaric institution, was administered. I felt it was terribly unjust, and his mother did rain hell down on the administration. So, I ask you, is there something to be learned from a child like this? Was he in fact educating himself on something far more important than what could be taught in the classroom?... Its obvious this young man was on a different path than the one the world insisted he take. As I remember this boy, Im reminded that often its better to be blissful and build castles in the sand, no matter what anyone else thinks... no matter what society may demand. Somehow, this child knew that he wasnt a Pavlovian dog compelled to answer to the bell that demanded he get in line. His soul had its own priorities... Thats a little boy, whose friendship, I hope to be worthy of one day.
Posted on: Wed, 30 Jul 2014 01:52:54 +0000

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