Today, I reflected on a season a handful of years ago when I was - TopicsExpress


Today, I reflected on a season a handful of years ago when I was headed down a path that hurt me and some other people who knew me when I became deceived by someone who seemed like a direct answer to prayer. During this time, I developed a spirit of pride, of selfish ambition, and worldliness all in the name of serving God. It was sick. Even thinking about it now is a humbling reminder of what I could be capable of apart from Christ. Here are a some things that I learned from that experience.... 1) Those who say they know Christ can be used to trip up Gods own. 2) Self-promotion may look like its all good in the name of being successful but its fleshly and of the devil. 3) When you are deceived, you dont know youre deceived. Walk closely to Christ, read His Word, and listen to godly counsel. 4) God disciplines those He loves and will give you a lovin spankin if its what you need to come back to Him. 5) If it seems too good to be true, it probably is. 6) A desperate desire can be an opportunity for Satan to present an answer for desire that seems like its from God, but its a trap. 7) Dont rush through an open door just because it looks like an answer to prayer. 8) Listen to the discernment given by the Holy Spirit. Some people dont have your best interest in mind, even though they say they do. 9) God is a Redeemer. He doesnt waste any of our experiences, even when we act like idiots like I did! I needed so many lessons that came from this time. Thank you, Lord, for not giving up on me, teaching me, and for disciplining me. I am thankful. Can anyone relate?
Posted on: Mon, 04 Aug 2014 01:40:41 +0000

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