Today I remember my Father, ba Mukubwe Masabo. Words cannot - TopicsExpress


Today I remember my Father, ba Mukubwe Masabo. Words cannot express my sadness at your passing so many years ago. I hope that I have lived up to your expectations so far.........I believe that all your children have. You should be a proud Daddy! Totally!!! Rest in Peace. Till we meet again. You are forever present in the hearts of your children. Chungu Masabo Chanda Kashiwa Masabo Kelesia Kalusopa Bwalya Masabo Mwenya M Masabo Mwewa Kauti Chisenga Mwenya Masabo Chanda Masabo Bwalya Kay B Kafumbe Bwendo Nduna Chansa
Posted on: Wed, 28 Aug 2013 08:43:16 +0000

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