Today I saw The movie Unbroken, A chronicle of the life of Louis - TopicsExpress


Today I saw The movie Unbroken, A chronicle of the life of Louis Zamperini, an Olympic runner who was taken prisoner by Japanese forces during World War II. (You can take it - You can make it - was a great saying in the movie) The will to push through any Obstacles, The drive, never to give into any defeat, anyone and or anything within this world. To stand the test of all tests, You fight harder than any other guy, You fight back for what you believe in within your heart, mind, body, soul, and spirit. This man like most stood through it all,Because He knew within his heart, and soul He would Take it, Make it, and WIN, Not only for Him, His family, His friends, His world, and God. Thats where it starts and ends, Surrender it all to our King, Because everyone and everything within this world belongs to Him our God, our King, Yahweh. 1 Corinthians 10:26 New International Version for, The earth is the Lords, and everything in it. Dont give up - Dont give in - Theres always an answer to EVERYTHING - were His favorite words for everyone and everything to hear.....Psalm 31:24 ESV Be strong, and let your heart take courage, all you who wait for the Lord. As I preach and teach over and over to everyone and everything within our world, on our Hangs ups, hurts, habits, our valleys, storms, trails, and wildernesses, which we all face on a daily bases within our world. As we all peel back our layers of our lives and get to the hard core of all of those, through God we all learn that with Him our lives our Richer, Because we are all beautiful treasured cherished loved children brides warriors daughters sons princesses and princes of the most highest King - Yahweh. These are a few of my favorite saying for me.........(ENJOY) Someone told me people come into our lives for a reason season or a lifetime. There are reasons, and seasons and or seasons and reasons for everyone and everything within our world. Gods in control, Gods in charge, Gods got the wheel with everyone and everything within our world. There are three sides to every story, yours, mine, and Gods, God sees all, God knows all. Believe and you will Receive and Receive and you will Believe. This is our time, This is our chance, This is our dance. Take the Time and Chance to Dance with life and God. I stood through the rain, I stood through the pain, I stood through the tears, I stood through the fears, I stood through it all, Because I knew one day, someday I would have it all through the eyes of God If Faith can move mountains let the mountains move. If you have a mustard seed anything is possible through God. God can do the possible not the impossible God can do anything, anytime, anywhere, for anyone I will pray for anyone, anywhere, anytime This past year 2014 like most years, we are all faced with many things within our daily lives, good and or bad, its called life. Yet within those moments is when you need to lean, learn, grow, draw, surrender, believe, trust, have faith as small as a mustard seed. Our God is amazing, Because Hes there, Hes always in the mist and middle of everyone and everything. One of my favorite poems of all time is the Foot Print Poem, why? Because He carries you, when your in the dark and brings you into the light, After all He is called the light of the world for a reason and a season, because of that. Light reveals truth; therefore people who want to put out the light of truth are those who want to do their wicked deeds concealed by the cover of darkness. This is the verdict: Light has come into the world, but men loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil. Everyone who does evil hates the light, and will not come into the light for fear that his deeds will be exposed. But whoever lives by the truth comes into the light, so that it may be seen plainly that what he has done has been done through God. John 3:19-21, NIV Jesus answered, You are right in saying I am a king. In fact, for this reason I was born, and for this I came into the world, to testify to the truth. Everyone on the side of truth listens to me. What is truth? Pilate asked. John 18:37-38, NIV This year alone I must be honest with everyone and everything, I became closer to God more than never ever before. Im truly honestly blessed I must say. While working, attending church, visiting family, friends, co-workers, living my daily lives, etc,... I was faced with ups, and downs of life as we all are, But I learned this year the true meaning of meeting letting go and letting God. 2013 I was forced for many reasons and seasons to surrender many things to God and I did. As I took a Celebration Bible Study Class, at my Church, which helped me get to the core of who I am, and why I am the way I am, But yet I like to play God, and hold onto things, which are not my place, and or time. Everything happens for a reason and a season and or a season or a reason within our world. There are many things that sticks out within this past year 2014, But one will always have my heart and soul. Something was placed within my hands through God. As I am a beautiful treasured cherished loved child warrior bride daughter princess. Christian lives within me,Because I am who God said who I am. 1 Corinthians 6:19 New International Version Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own. I chose to take a stand. I choose to believe. I chose to open my heart, mind, body, soul, and spirit. I chose to see the good not the bad. I chose to stand up to everyone and everything. I chose to love not hate. I chose to forgive. I chose to walk by faith not by sight. I chose God. I chose to stand in the middle of the room and bare all. I chose to be a child of God. I chose to be more loving and caring, Because I carry God within my heart, mind, body, soul, and spirit. I chose to be more open than most. I chose to explain. I chose to understand. I chose prayer. I chose calling on my Christian brothers and sisters, to pray for me. I chose to give it all to the higher power. I chose life. I chose to dance. I chose to sing. I chose to speak from my heart, mind, body, soul, and spirit. I chose to be a witness. I chose to preach and teach and teach and preach. I chose to be all I can be, Because God wants me to be all I can be through Him and only Him. why? Because Agape Love Unconditional Love God Love the highest Love known to man- kind. YES I still have my moments, like most of us do, which I know. Im working on them, we all are. NO one is prefect only God, But I do try, and I want better as long as Gods at my side and in the center of my life. I chose to take a stand for someone and something, Because it was the right thing to do, why? Because I can see right through it all, I see pure beauty behind it all, with all the hang ups, hurts, habits, valleys, storms, trails, and wildernesses, out of all of it, which is real true pure beauty, which comes out of it all, Because thats God ,behind it all, and I truly honestly believe in this person and thing. Because they are a child of God no matter what. why? Isaiah 1:18 Come now, and let us reason together, says the Lord, Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red like crimson, they shall be as wool. Psalm 51:7 Purge me with hyssop, and I shall be clean; wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow. The movie had/ has many great moments, But one sticks out the most, which is NEVER EVER give up, Because God NEVER EVER gave up on YOU, Because He loves you for you, He died on the cross for you, for our sins. Remember within our new year 2015, Take time for family, friends, church, etc,...Live life, Never Ever let anyone and or anything pass through your hands, and or fingers without enjoying the moment here on our Godly green earth. Learning to forgive, Learn to love, Learn to grow, Learn to be all you can be through God, Learn to trust, Learn to have faith, Learn to surrender, Learn to stand in the middle of the room and fight for what you truly believe is right, not to be scared of anyone and anything within our world and or the out come, as long as its the truth at your side and God within the center of it all. Learn to be happy. Learn to smile, Learn to enjoy the little things. Learn to love yourself and God first and for most, Learn to dance and enjoy life. As a former runner myself I understand the will never ever give up. The training, The sweating, running and winning was behind it all, But nothing is worth it all unless you have God within the center of it all. I ran cross country and track. I miss training and running, which was very dear to me, I walked away from it for many reasons and seasons. This is our Time, This is our chance, This is our Dance, Take the time and Chance to Dance with God and life. NEVER EVER GIVE UP ON YOURSELF, YOUR FAMILY, YOUR FRIENDS, OR GOD ,BECAUSE HE NEVER EVER GAVE UP ON YOU! https://youtube/watch?v=ebHji2c_ciU
Posted on: Wed, 31 Dec 2014 03:48:32 +0000

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